102. Transformational Vibration with Anastasia Lapik

Friday, September 22, 2023

Smooth Operator/Podcast/102. Transformational Vibration with Anastasia Lapik

102. Transformational Vibration with Anastasia Lapik


Are you struggling with developing effective courses and becoming a transformational leader?

Are you feeling stuck, uncertain of where to begin, or how to differentiate yourself in a market that's flooded with course creators and coaches?

In today’s episode, Anastasia Lapik, CEO, and coach at Aligned Vibration, offers solutions that can help.

Tune in as we discuss education, course creation, leadership, and transformational coaching.

We will share practical advice on how to

- Identify your purpose,

- Create innovative systems by breaking the rules,

- And, develop effective leadership skills.

Gain valuable insights and inspiration to structure your courses and take the first step towards your goals with authenticity and passion with today’s discussion.

Connect with Anastasia: https://www.alignedvibration.com/

Discover more in today’s episode

Learn more at https://www.adamliette.com

Discover how to work with me: https://www.adamliette.com/work-with-me

The Greatest Opportunity Of A Lifetime

20 Business Owners Lives' Will Change in 2024

​​... And I'm Personally Inviting You To Be One Of Them!

The Greatest Opportunity Of A Lifetime...

20 Business Owners Lives Will Change In 2024...
​...And I’m Personally Inviting You To Be One Of Them!


Adam Liette
What's up smooth operators welcome. Hey, we made it to Friday. Great to see you end of the week is here. Hope you have some great plans for the weekend? The time I'm recording this. Yeah, I'm gonna die myself out a little bit because I am. As you know, I'm a process guy. I love business processes. I love workflows. So what does that mean? It means my prop my work like podcast workflows actually working really well. And I'm recording this in the run up to the end of the NFL season, the NFL playoffs. So by the time this airs gonna be like, Wow, we're like talking about the draft right now. But that's okay. That's just one thing that can happen. When you put process workflows in your business, you're able to get really ahead of things. And that's amazing, right? As business owners, I know, we don't like stress. We don't like deadlines all the time. So you can process yourself out of having to deal with those in so many ways. But that's another topic for another time. Instead, we're going to dive into something today that is near and dear to my heart. As you may know, I've been a teacher for ever. I started teaching privately, private trumpet lessons at the age of 14, I started teaching guitar at 15 ended up as a high school band director and then was a sergeant in the Army. What does a sergeant in the Army really do? Well, yes, we fight wars, but we also train and teach our soldiers. And now I teach y'all I teach entrepreneurs. So teaching is near and dear to my heart. It's something I will always be a teacher. And so why not talk about teaching and course creation on this episode, but I didn't want to do it alone, guys, because as you know, two minds are better what they want. And when you find people that you just vibe with, and you work you man, there's so much magic that can happen when we put our heads together with someone else. So I went out and I found an amazing person. Her name is Anastasia Lapin, She is the CEO and transformational program designer and coach at aligned vibration. She helps experts like you and like me, I'm going to be taking notes to become sought after transformational leaders with one of a kind of premium quality signature courses and programs that change the world. Man, you had me up that because education can change the world. But I've talked long enough, Anastasia, so great to have you on the show. How are you today? I'm doing great. I get so lit up discussing this. Because for me, it's truly my passion.

Anastasia Lapik
I've been into education and educational system ever since I was a kid, I've always been thinking how can you help people learn better? I hated learning. I hated school. And it's someone who absolutely hated education growing up. This is definitely like the irony that I work in education now. And even when I was at university, I would definitely brand myself the worst student alive. Because on the deadline date, when they would take the essay box away from the departments, I'd be the last person every time running in to put my essay in the box. And they would laugh at me every time because they knew I was coming. They were they would like wait for a couple of seconds before closing the door. They knew I'll be there. So I was always last minute. I hated education. And I never understood why because I love learning. And I guess that's where I really want to convey, you know, education and learning. They are two different things. And how can we bridge the two together to create something that is a life changing experience for ourselves, as long as right and for our students, as educators, I think when you can really get this right, you can really transform the whole nature of education system as a whole. And that is my passion. And I'm really excited to talk about that today.

Adam Liette
I can tell you a little bit passionate about it. You're you're popping on the video here. It's good. I love it. And I think that's so interesting. That's a great thing to first dive into because, like, of course creators like those are my people man I'm I've I've so of course creators, and it's almost universal between us that we were not the good students. We were not top marks we were we were the misfits, the the kids that were, you know, off in the corner reading our own thing or creating our own thing, like what is it about coming from this place of hating education, so to speak, that has inspired so many of us to become chorus graders do you think? Yeah, well, I think because we love learning. We were really inquisitive kids probably you know, I don't know about you, but when I was a kid I used to always think

Anastasia Lapik
What is the purpose of this world? What is infinity? And I used to imagine the universe and how broad it was. And I always had these questions like, Who is God? What is God? What is the universe like all these big questions, and I was always wanting to know the answers. But when you go into education, instead of being met with incredible questions, fun discussions, debate, you're met with facts, drilling information, being taught how to do something. And when you have an inquisitive mind, and when you're passionate, especially like people that we work with, like their transformation leader at the core, even from early childhood, they wanting to change the world, right? These kinds of people like us, we don't like being told what to do, we don't like someone's given us the rules, I'm saying you have to abide by the rules, because we are the ones who learn the rules, to break them to create something new to innovate, to lead the society right in the new direction to shift global consciousness in a more positive way. That's who we are. And that's who we serve. But education system tries to put us in a box and try to do that, you know, put us in the box. And when you are like that, and I think you don't survive well within that system, because you rebel against this, and some people rebelling two ways that I've rebelled by directly withdrawing themselves from education, or the rebel by avoiding deadlines, procrastinate, and you know, any kind of pressure that you start to feeling yourself, you'll create in that rebellious resistance towards that pressure. Because deep down, we don't want to be controlled, because we know that we're here to do something new, something different, something better to how it's already been done. That's, that's kind of my opinion. And I think when you grow up, and you start to realize the world is your oyster, with all this beautiful information and knowledge everywhere, you know, we have YouTube, we have Google, we can literally travel the world learn from the best teachers, healers, shamans, in every direction, How incredible is this, we realize the value of education. And then we realize that the education system is broken. And that's what I think inspires people like us and other leaders in the community, of course, creators, right, to create something that's going to be inspiring, that's going to allow people to create these deep transformations and be able to change the world. And by helping each other and I think that's how the coaching industry really started right, helping each other become better become more become more expansive.

And I think there's, there's, it's almost like a superpower that rebellious nature, if we can direct it towards, cuz it's easy to take that and be like, you know, and turn it into something negative. But if we direct it in a positive way towards with a positive output, like, that becomes so self fulfilling, and like, I can't wait to go to work today, because I'm gonna get to, I'm gonna get to break more things. And just mess with everything. It's so cool. Break the structures, right? This is how I always say, when I when I, I work with entrepreneurs very closely myself, you know, as well as helping people create the program cells to help them launch them. And also looking into their businesses and business operations. It's also a really big thing, what I you know, that I do, and I always say to them, learn the rules. So you can break them learn the rules. Because once you know how the rules operate, and the dogmas that exist in the business world, right, that come from very capitalistic nature, seeing people as boxes, seeing everything as like a machine seen, everything is like input output. When you understand the way that it works, then you can bring the magic into we can break it and bring your own intuition into a your own passion, your own imagination, your own excitement. And that's the people who are changing the world, right? Because they're changing how things are being done from like, this is how it has to be done to, oh, isn't really how it has to be done. Is there another way, I'm gonna find another way, because I don't want to do it this way. So I'm gonna find another way. And that's how the new systems and structures are created, right? Both in business and education. And I think that's what allows the whole industry, people who are looking at this in a positive way instead of like, how awful you know, governments, creating the system that keeps us boxted. Instead, we like how awesome gives us an opportunity to create something new, and be creative, imaginative.

Adam Liette
Fantastic. I love it. And what I've noticed, I've watched several course creators over the years that achieved I mean, like Rockstar status is a thing for course creators we all know that there are the Rockstar course creators, but even those like top of the heap guys and gals are they're in this constant flow like they're, they're they're changing they're they're evolving, I should say that's the right word I'd use and I think it's it's, it comes down to direction and purpose and passion. And I meet so many people they're first getting into this, they they know they want to do this and just to die myself out. That was me not so long ago, until I found my purpose. And so if someone came in there listening to the show, and like well, I really don't know what I want to do yet. I know this all sounds cool. Like how do we find our, our purpose and our direction in this crazy world?

Anastasia Lapik
So great question. You know, I was just having a conversation, someone yesterday about this. And actually, a couple of days ago, I was doing a guest presentation, one of my friends online program, and this conversation always starts with people who know they're here to do something, right? They have something that Incan inside of them, those inner rebels, they know they're here to innovate, they might not have that clarity. Maybe because they come from all these different backgrounds, they've done so many different things. And sometimes they've just seen an ad online that tells you, you know, it's an incredible way to make money become a course creates a here's how you build a funnel house, here's how you launch a course in six weeks, you know, all this kind of advertisement out there that makes people like that, and like, Oh my God, I want this live, I want to do this, I want to become a course creator. So there's, I think there's two different types of people, right? There's ones that see me and they're like, Yeah, this would be cool way to make money. And there's others like, Oh, my God, I want to change the world. I want to put something out there. But I just have no idea what it is. And I think regardless of where you are, where you fall, if you feel like working online, and helping people online is really your calling, I always say the best way to start is to start helping someone. Because helping someone is the best way to find out whether the direction in which you're helping them is something you enjoy, or something you don't enjoy. You don't know what you don't know what you don't know until you've tried it. And very often, instead of putting yourself out there and going through that trial and error process and optimizing how they work with people, you know what they do allowing it to evolve naturally, people kind of sit there and wait until that perfect moment until they're finally ready. And you'll never be ready, you'll never be ready until you go out and work with people. So I always say to my clients, you know, start out working one to one with people, especially when you don't have a very clearly defined niche because you haven't worked out who is it that you really enjoy working with. And that is definitely the best way, the best way to find out what you like, is to find out what you don't like. And that's the process that a lot of people are really afraid of. On the other end of things, what I see is people who have seen the ad and they all of a sudden lit up, I'm gonna create an online course. And they think create an online course it's some simple endeavor that you know, you do it and money is coming your way. And it's all evergreen, and you know, you don't have to look at it.

Adam Liette
That's like another extreme of that. Right? Wait, wait, wait, wait, that's not what happens.

Anastasia Lapik

Adam Liette
Right. And I think a lot of people have this idea. I mean, it can happen, and some people, nothing is impossible, but like, gosh, these people have to be really passionate aligned, and what they do and have that inner,

Anastasia Lapik
inner a power to persevere and keep going and be passionate about what they sell. And and that is not you, if you're trying to create something just to make money. Gosh, you'll be one of these coaches, or you know, of course creators will be in the market for a couple of years. And then the steam runs out because you don't have the passion to power, your creation, that invention, that online program that you're creating, right? Probably your clients not going to be getting results if you don't have any experience actually working with people, maybe one to one beforehand. So that the call experience what I see for a lot of people when that happens, people then decide that maybe business is not for them, instead of really finding what we're passionate about, right? Something that's gonna allow you to optimize your programs for the years to come. You've got to love what you do. Absolutely love what you do. And coming back to your question, if you want to get to a place where you have the best program on the market that generates consistent income, that allows you to become an influencer in your niche that allows you to have the kind of impact that generates raving fans for the years to come, right people give you incredible testimonials, they refer you to their friends, if you want to get to that level, you've got to love what you do. It cannot just be you watching an ad and decided to create an online program. And you don't care what to create a program in, especially with like, the other thing I wanted to share as well like the AI right AI is everywhere these days, the all these different types of AI. And I mean, it sounds so simple. I just watched an ad earlier. And it was like you put a phrase and a couple of like pointers to the AI, they generate the script, you upload the script to the platform, they give the script of voice and then you have a an avatar that then gives it a face. And that's the content done for you. Wow, if that's where the world is going towards, right and creating content is going to be this simple. Just imagine how much the barriers to entry are lower and in the market to really succeed and stand out. You have to love what you do. You have to have your own wisdom, and most importantly, out of everything, everything everything. online programs, courses, any kind of learning is not going to be about information. Ostra

To generate more, the future is transformational. If you don't know how to change people's consciousness, if you don't know how to change people's mindset, if you don't know how to help people overcome the limitations in the beliefs that keeping them from taking actions, you're not going to succeed in that market, because information is everywhere. And it's going to be even more accessible. So if you really want to start out, the right place for you to start out is to find what you love. Go go out there, work with people, see what you enjoy the most. Apply your own, talk to yourself, right? Walk the Talk, embody what you're teaching, get your own wisdom. So that when you are working with people, when you are creating content is truly transformational. And you really understand the inner psychology of people, right? What does it actually take to get someone to take action? What are the different people, what makes a difference between someone who takes action who doesn't take action. And that's the only way you can really find that out is for one to one work at the beginning, you have to go for the trial and error. And then you can move into events, you can start working with groups, get the experience working in groups. And when you start to really get that wisdom and experience, that's when you can start thinking about creating your online courses. That's my personal experience opinion, I've seen that works the best. And that's what also creates that sustainable products that can withstand the test of time rather than failing couple of years because you are a hater because people don't get the results. Right, right. There's a lot to unpack there. I love it. And

so I just want to give a suggestion, suggested working with people one to one first. And I love that that's how I've found my own passion in my own journey. And I think we sometimes put a barrier in front of ourselves, oh, well, I have to get that, oh, now I need to study how to get a one to one client like you can work one to one without necessarily having a client.

Adam Liette
And so what I've actually done is I've found a group of people online, we were in a similar niche. And this was like pre Adam launching his own business niche. But we just formed an informal mastermind together. And we just meet together, once every fortnight sent Listen to me at once every two weeks for our American folks. And we would just bounce ideas off each other. And I found myself gravitating towards what became my business. That's where those was the suggestions I was giving. And whenever they those topics come up, I'm like, Oh, I know how to solve that. And it just lit a fire inside of me. So that's one thing. The second thing is you really talked about AI and the impact it's going to have on content. And I think it's really easy for us to say, Oh, crap, I missed it, oh, no. Or we can say this is an incredible opportunity

to really stick out from the crowd, because there's gonna be a bunch of those, fake it till you make it folks that their programs are junk. And I think what's going to make a difference for us is to be those transformational leaders. And that leads me into that next topic. Because I teach transformational leadership in my own program, but I teach it from the organizational perspective, like how to manage people in a transformational way to do their jobs. So I'd love to hear your perspective on what it means to be a transformational leader. And that more that more outbound way that you that you're doing it that we need to do to really well, we all need to do as course creators to compel that big vision, what does that mean to you? That's a really, really great question. And for me, personally, it really ties in with my spirituality as well, because I do see as humans, we're not just you know, these materials, beings, we've only purpose to operate like machines in the world and produce capital, you know, for the big corporations, or labor, right?

Anastasia Lapik
I see. I see ourselves as humans, much, much more than that. And I think for a lot of people, they're starting to realize that there is this aspect to themselves, that is beyond what is known by the logical mind that we really love to rely on all the time. You know, and I think the true leadership, the transformation, leadership is about integrating the logical and something that is beyond the you can call it inspiration. You can call it intuition. You can call it your higher self. It's about really being connected to your purpose, the purpose beyond the logical values that you have selected for yourself, right in terms of this is who I want to be, because I want to be liked or because this is the way that you succeed. And then we create all these like logical values for ourselves in boxes to abide by. It's beyond that. It's about connecting to something that is more something that is really here doing it's there to do its job. All we need to do is release and let go and allow that inspiration and intuition to come through and what I find working a lot of my clients when they're able to get into that state of flow, really connect to the higher passion higher purpose. That's what creates true leadership because it's

leadership is not about telling someone where where to go from the mind based on the logic, because the logic is what the mind only knows the past how things has happened, right, or how things are happening right now, the mind cannot know how things needs to happen. Because if you think of all the ground disinvite inventions and innovation, they did not come from the logical mind, you know, they come from the inspiration look at, you know, Tesla, and one of the really great examples, Einstein, they'll tell you the metaphysics of where the ideas that come from, right, they use all sorts of different words. So if as long as we are operating from the physical mind alone, and we think that's the physical mind, that can lead us into the future, we're very wrong, because we operate to like a half a person. And as long as we are not able to connect to our higher self, our Higher Mind and spiritual self, our intuition, whatever you want to call, we all use different words. But that right, we're not able to be in that state of flow. And it's in that state of flow, that we're truly able to channel, the channel, what needs to really come through for our students, what needs to come through for ourselves, what needs to come through for our programs, and all of a sudden, as we release the control, it evolves, naturally, the program's evolves, we evolve, we meet the right people at the right time, we develop the right skills. And it's such an effortless process. So instead of starting with, like a very concrete goal in mind, and then you're asking your mind, like how do I need to get my students though? How do I need to, you know, get myself there to reach this external goal. Instead, you set the goal in mind, you use as an inspiration, then you just allow your like, show me my inspiration, my intuition, imagination, how the things need to be, and then you allow the process. And the process naturally allows you to become the kind of leader that you need to be. So it's about for me, you know, being a transformational leader, it's about realizing that transformation is inner work, you can never tell anyone what they need to do. Because what somebody needs to do, is not going to be the same as what you need to do. We also different As humans, we have different psychology, right? We have different emotionality, we have different life experiences, we have different life purposes with grow and develop in different ways. So as long as we still see leadership as a step by step that everyone is the same, we have to go that way, this is what should work for everyone. And it's very prescriptive, and it's all about control. And it's all about avoiding failure. As long as we stay stuck in that mindset, we are not allowing ourselves to really tune in what transformation really means, which means full acceptance that we all different humans. And as long as you are, again, if you can create these kinds of experiences right within which your people grow, like plants, and all you're doing is just guiding them very gently, you're guiding them, and you're showing them not where to go. But all these potentials ways, right potential and allowing them to grow into who they need to be to know their own way to find out within themselves to find their own power, which is the antithesis to how the education system works, right, instead of putting you in the box and telling you what to do, you're basically opening up the box and saying, Gosh, there is no box, you can go wherever you want to go. And there is no one right way. While I care about this, you find in your own power, your own confidence, your own self worth, self esteem, trust, whatever it is, because from that space, any big CEOs of successful companies who are insuring themselves will tell you that it's the inner the inner stuff that creates the out of results, right? The inner wealth that will create the outer wealth, it's the embodiment that will allow you to become the great educator, the great leader. And when you create your programs with that in mind, that's what creates a truly transformational product. And that's what makes you a truly transformational leader in the market. And that's what's gonna make you stand out because everyone else and I use AI and logic alone. Well, you're already on the internet, right? And you're gonna do something that no one else is do it.

Adam Liette
Oh, my gosh, that got deep. In a good way. I knew this. I knew this conversation was gonna go that way. And that's why from the moment we got on this call, I'm like, Oh, this is gonna be fun. It's a good one.

Anastasia Lapik
And I personally found that because I hear this a lot in the Facebook groups like, Well, how do I how do I, how do I become that? How do I figure that out? How do I coach like you? Like, well, you know, part, like modeling is a thing. And so like, if you're at this stage where like, I hear what you're saying,

Adam Liette
this all sounds cool. Like if you think about any leadership style that you might have right now, it's all of this is learned behavior. And you're learning it, you learned it at a very young age from whoever you were around from whoever you're you were modeling in that leadership's like parenting is learned behavior, you're going to parent the way your parents parented because that's, that's all you know. So would I be correct in saying, if you're kind of at the beginning of this journey and wanting to become more transformational make a bigger impact, I would suggest you find that person that for whatever reason, it's different for all of us, ignites you, and just excites you and makes you want to jump over walls and, you know, you know, stay up all night working on something that's inspiring, like, whoever it is that does that for you, like immerse yourself in their world, and you're gonna find yourself modeling them a little bit. Is that something that you do that you recommend? Or is it just one of my crazy ideas?

Anastasia Lapik
No, I agree, you know, and it's like this whole idea, learn the rules, you can break them, it's like everything around us can be an inspiration, there are good ways to do things that are good. I use a lot of systems and processes, regardless of how am I have come across, up until now I'm a very logical person. And I have a background in science. I love systems, I love looking at hierarchies processes, that's my jam, right? That's why I feel I feel like makes me very effective with my students has been able to integrate these two perspectives. So I think learning from role models using processes using tools that have worked great, it's great the clearly worked, but understanding why they work, why they don't work, who they work with, don't work for being open to learn about the nuances understanding that even if a system has worked up until now, it doesn't mean it's the best system. Yeah. And that's when you allow the inspiration to come through, right. And that's when you allow yourself to break the rules to create something new to synthesize, right, this like the high level of, you know, learning the hierarchy, you've got the analysis, the evaluation, but the one at the top, the apex is ability to synthesize it's ability for you to look at everything that exists and say, like, let me pick out what has really resonated with me what has really worked and test it out with my clients who myself apply it. Now, the big caveat here, what I think a lot of people do or don't do is they don't apply, they don't embody what they teach. I think that's where the challenge comes from. I've met a lot of people who you know, preach, surrender and non resistance, but they're like the angriest, most frustrated people in the world, right? Oh, people who teach you to implement business structure and processes, well, they got none in their business, right. So it's like people just teaching you from the mind alone from the fear level. So as long as you're embodying and really role modeling, you know, what you're preaching to your clients. So if you are resonating with somebody, or you know, someone else who exists there a process, embody it, learn it, implement it, test it out, see if it works, they're still good clients, see what works, what doesn't. And I think that's what makes you ultimately really effective. Because it's not about just creating something from nothing. It is about taking what already out there, and evolving it to that next level, to the next level to the next level. So I completely resonate with what you said, I totally agree, I think it's a really great strategy, learn the skills, learn the skills, uplevel yourself, work with mentors, watch people who inspire you their level of communication, and I definitely have been influenced myself by many people who I really look up to, both in the business world and you know, transformational industry, spiritual masters, teachers, are everything. Everything that I've ever listened to read is probably is there somewhere within me and everything that you listen to right now. It's just a culmination, right of all these different things mixed in with my own flavor coming out in a way that I feel people need to hear it in.

Adam Liette
That's so that's so fascinating. And I love when you embody what you teach, because I think we can all at this point, I can spot someone that's faking the funk from a mile away, I'm like, Yeah, I've been through this VSL before. But when we are actually embodying it, and like modeling it and doing what we teach, like, not only is it authentic, and it's, you know, being true to ourselves, which comes through, but now you have learned experience to teach, you have your back your stories and the like, the power of story is, I can't tell enough about how good story can be used. And so it really, I mean, it enables you, to be that better coach to be that better leader to make those transformations and ultimately, like help our students have those life changing experiences. And I'd love to know, like from what you've done, like how,

Anastasia Lapik
how do you know when a student when you're working with them, if they're, like their fear felt like someone's like, they're right there. And how do we pull them through to that life changing experience? Like what are some of the steps that you found to be really effective when we're working with people? I love this question. And I think before answer, I just want to make something clear.

because it keeps coming up over and over again, we are not the heroes for students. We are the guides, and this bringing in restructure, again, I use story structure in everything that I do. And when I create my whether it's marketing, content, whatever I create my courses, even my methodology is based very much on the story structure, the idea of the hero, you know, the guide and the villains, which all your challenges in a way. But what I see for a lot of people is they believe that the heroes, they're the heroes, so they should be responsible for the results of their students. And now you can take this to the other extreme and thing, well, I'm going to put something out there. Here's the strategy worked for me. If it doesn't work for you, nothing to do with me. Right, which is what you see a lot in the market, right? This cookie cutter solutions, like, Well, it's because you're just not committed. That's why you did not get results and got something wrong with you. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Like pointing the finger. This is like the coach completely taken like no responsibility, right? Yeah, they're extreme right? This extreme like I'm responsible, if you don't get results, I mean, something's wrong with me, or has nothing to do with me these extremes that we see in the market. And why I wanted to address that is I think a lot of people can get lost in these extremes. When you come from a perspective, when your ego is not attached to your program, when you realize that the program is just something that you create, based on your own experience, based on your own research based on your own embodiment, and you to do the best job that you can do, to test it out, optimize care about, like really care about your products, right? Like any fan, if that was a brick and mortar business, and you created something, and it didn't do the job, that would be scamming people, that'd be a scam, right? So it's the same thing, as long as you're doing 50. It's the 50 is of responsibility of your student, the other 50% is not 100. You know, it's as if it's a 5050, you meet them in the middle. So sometimes it's also understanding that a person will transform when they ready.

Yes, sometimes there's just nothing we can do to force a transformation within somebody else. And I think the big, the big challenge that I see for a lot of people is they're making blanket promises, when they enroll people onto the program, not qualifying their clients correctly, or their students correctly. So when they don't qualify people correctly, they assume that everyone's the same. And I'm sorry, just because we look similar, we have similar problem, right? Or challenge externally doesn't mean we're the same people, you know, one person might have done 10 years of being a work transformation experience in business. So they're more likely to get results in business for someone who's never been in business before has low self esteem, you know, they might need to take a whole year or two working on themselves first, to get to a place where they have that inner confidence and self worth self esteem work for so many limiting beliefs. So you have to also understand when people come into your program, they're not uniform bunch, you know, they're all different with their own challenges. And what's really easy for one, it's not going to be easy for another same goes select technology being really simple for some really challenging for another, you know, creating content, right. And some people incredible writers, storytellers other are not there's a whole skill. So when we make blanket promises, and then when we see people not getting results, we can take it very personally. And then we start to push and start to force and take responsibility. And when that happens, you're literally blocking yourself from being able to see what the person actually needs in that moment, because their concern becomes the outcome. I need this person to get the result. I need them to get the result. Because if they don't get results, what does that say about me as a coach? What does that say about my program, right? We take extremely personally. And on the other end, when people still getting results. We're like separate ourselves, oh, well, it's not fair to me, they just not committed enough. And we then shame and blame and put the person down, which obviously does not help the person either. When we try to, you know, whip them into action, or wherever you're trying to like shame and blame them into action. None of them doesn't work doesn't work. So what is the best way to help someone is to be detached yourself. We've got to be detached. But this detachment has to come from a space of integrity and inner knowingness that you have done the best job that you can with your program to design in such a way that it addresses the most common pitfalls, challenging mindsets, limiting beliefs that people do experience is designed in such a way that allows people to go through a process in a logical manner that makes sense, right? You have the tools and systems in place and exercises that help them develop the key skills that they're required to become successful. Your strategy makes sense has been tested, it's been optimized. As long as you've done that, there's nothing else you can do. You can just hold space and coach the person in the way that helps them understand where their current challenges are, and if you have the tools to support them.

I'm working for these limiting mindsets or emotional challenges that come up. Sometimes even traumas that can come up during these kinds of conversations and experiences, you can either support them or direct them to someone else who can. Because sometimes until the person overcomes the inner, the inner stuff, right, they're not going to be able to move forward. Or sometimes, even if they do move forward, they're going to be not able to create a sustainable result from that space. Because this Inner Inner movement forward is based on fear and shame and guilt, that's only naturally going to come up later down the line. So you got to understand that and be patient with your students, right, and to give them space to be where they need to be and not judge where they are right now. That's the most important one.

Adam Liette
Yeah, I mean, it's, it's more of an opportunity, when when you see someone in that place, where they're like, Oh, they're just not there yet. And I wonder, as we're creating courses, because there's, like, so many different models you can use, I guess what, what prompted up in my mind was knowing that our students might not be ready for this yet some of our students are some aren't. For whatever reason, that's their reason. And we need to like make space for that respect that honor that, because it's ultimately working through that is going to allow them that that end transformation that our programs promise, like, should we structure our offerings in a way that are how can we structure our offerings in a way that allow for that, more flexible?

Anastasia Lapik
If you got to do other work? First, you can do it first kind of philosophy that, that we know works.

Yeah, there's different ways in which you can kind of solve that challenge. And again, it depends on your own experience as a coach as a facilitator and your resources as well. I guess one of the most obvious one is to have very clear qualification, very narrow niche, or your program so that the kind of people that you allow in, they're all at similar levels. And there's a way for you to identify what those levels are. And you segment your audience in such a way that then people receive the appropriate support for their level. And you don't allow anyone else in the program unless they're, you know, within that specific segment, so no one who's too early or who's too advanced, you don't let them in, because the obviously the danger of that if it's too early, they're not going to get the result, if they're too far in, they're gonna end up feeling like this is just not good enough for them. They're already at a much higher level. And that's what usually also creates negative feedback or testimonials, right when people kind of are not qualified correctly. And I see that on the market. I don't think anyone ever does qualification like I'm yet to see someone who really does like really clear qualification and tells you like, this is exactly for you. If Yeah, so that's a really big challenge, right? I've actually used it in a PLC email, like this, here's the title of the email was this program is not for you, if and we listed out all the qualifications that were like, if you're this person, this isn't for you, if you're this person, this isn't for you. Exactly. For whatever it's worth that program got the two comma club just saying, like it were. Exactly. And that's people are so afraid, they're afraid to segment their audience and to niche down I think, because they don't want to leave people behind. But what they do is they literally even people behind both for their marketing not being specific enough, so people don't feel like it's for them, because they're not really sure that I would go for someone who is specific. And then the program's being so general, and lacking the depth necessary to create the transformation because they try to address every single thing and put their fingers in every single pie. Because it's they start to get this like group of students coming who will have different challenges, they need this never need that. And all of a sudden your program grows, grows, grows into this huge thing. Right with no depth, no structure. I've seen this happen a lot. So then if that's begins to happen, and you do want to serve different segments and niches because you're not at the place where you can afford to do that. The next step is to create over several offers very clear offers for different levels of people. So that when you ask, let's say business being a good example, like beginners, in business, being in one program, someone who's a bit more intermediate being a number, right, someone who is ready to kind of scale to six, seven figures been another program. So you differentiate in this way, right? Sometimes you can differentiate based on psychometric trade, there's so many different ways in which you can differentiate your levels. The other option is ways. Yeah, that builds our value ladder. Like we're building our value ladder.

Adam Liette
Yeah, yeah. Instead of like, oh my gosh,

Anastasia Lapik
that's the most organic way of creating your ascension model. Exactly. And moving to the left and right, depending on your suit, oh man, and this beautiful you know, and it happens naturally happens naturally because you allow yourself to evolve and as you get like, really good in one segment, you're like, let me expand. You know, let me see and because you naturally if you're gonna send people to the next level, you'll have a need for them.

Next offer for the next essential step for the next way to uplevel your clients, right. And maybe you realize you get a bit too many people in your program a bit too early wrong, and you don't really want them in this program anymore, you'd rather have something a bit like maybe mid ticket, or even high ticket. But for someone who's earlier in, you know, in their journey, you can create another level and then serve them in this way. So you're definitely going to be able to create this amazing ascension model. And for people I've seen, the other way to do this is to create pathway based learning, and pathway based learning. You know, some someone that we both obviously followed James Wedmore, being one of the really good examples in his program, he's got pathway based learning, it's a really big program. But there are very specific pathways for different types of people need and very specific types of strategies. And as long as you do a good job of helping people identify what type they are, what strategy best suited for them, rather than keeping them guessing, right, as long as you do a good job at helping them discover that for themselves, either from really good onboarding structure, or for having some sort of coach or mentor who could guide them on a relevant pathway to them, that's another great way to create something more of like a school type University type learning where different people at different levels come in, and they can be served equally well. And everything's differentiated based on their specific needs. However, obviously, this option is more relevant for people with bigger audiences, much more experienced big resources, who can invest into maybe like support coaches,

Adam Liette
and who can hold space for such a vast, great type of people in one program? So I wouldn't stop there, I would definitely allow yourself to evolve to that place.

Anastasia Lapik
Yeah, obviously, we can't start there that's at scale. But the the, the, the one thing that's parallel with both those examples, starting versus at scale, and able to branch yourself out, is listening, and the ability to take feedback and to take it appropriately. And then move from there. If we're in a one to one environment, like you can, you can switch like that and start doing that. It's

Adam Liette
okay, I have a lot of ideas now. Okay. This is this is one of those calls a man to listen to, again,

Anastasia Lapik
you know, just just want to say about feedback, because that's like one of the big things like thrilling to my students, every time it's about feedback, I was in a very fixed mindset growing up, and any negative feedback that I've heard about myself would really hurt my ego and invalidate me. And I was definitely chasing the positive feedback. And I think when we in this mindset, what that means for me, especially program creators, or coaches, we are then so hyper focused on trying to get positive feedback and results for people. And we actually forget to understand where the gaps still are for ourselves, for our clients, right within our programs. So instead of using feedback as something that allows us to grow, we use it to either validate or invalidate ourselves. And when we in that space, it's impossible to optimize, it's impossible to streamline, it's impossible to improve your program. It's taken me years to shift my mindset. And you know, when I did my business skyrocketed, because all of a sudden, even if someone said, Look, I didn't feel this program was for me, instead of taking it personally, I was like, Oh, maybe I didn't qualify them properly, oh, maybe I should have added this and this and this, oh, how can I improve and make it better. And I will take that feedback, implement the improvements, and all of a sudden in my program was naturally becoming what it needed to be right. But it did not happen until I could really use feedback as data. And that goes for feedback of you posting content, and no one liking it. That's feedback. You know, getting them to comment. That's feedback, some are getting results. That's feedback, some are getting results. That's feedback, everything's feedback, everything's data. And if we see ever finished data, and everything is feedback, there is no failure, there is no failure. It's just an ever growing, evolving process of learning and growing, right, that we talked about the inner learning, the outer learning, and that's what really creates transformational leadership. And the term that I've coined for my people are consciousness architects, that you recognize that you are literally becoming an architect of consciousness within your programs, you're shifting people's consciousness constantly, constantly. And in order to do that, you have to shift your consciousness, you have to keep growing. And to do that you have to be completely open, to be shown, you know, for your intuition, the direction the next steps being open in this way. And that's what really, I think creates the kind of program that you can optimize you can love for the years to come and that can really become the leading program in the market that everyone raves about, and helps your business grow.

Adam Liette
manically write naturally, just because it's so good. How incredible is that?

Anastasia Lapik
And I've personally found like most of us will avoid that because it is uncomfortable at first. But when you learn to be comfortable with discomfort, that's a superpower. And it can unlock so much possibility that

Adam Liette
oh my gosh, well, we could jam on all day long. But I know we have busy schedules and our Yeah, this could go down. We could do as a follow up on this really easily. But I do want to make sure that if this jive with you, like, listeners, get on with Anastasia, check her out.

She can definitely help you and where can our listeners find out more about you and learn from you.

Anastasia Lapik
My website is the best place it's aligned vibration.com. Right now, I also have a Facebook group where I help entrepreneurs with different techniques and tools to improve their online courses and become more of transformational leaders all sorts of challenges and workshops going on there. So I'll give you the link that you can share your audience as well.

Adam Liette
Fantastic. And one final question to wrap up here today. Because I have a nice bookshelf here off camera that I like to fill with books.

If you had to recommend one book to me, that could lead me down this path. Further. What would you recommend?

Anastasia Lapik
There's a book that I've recently well, there's actually there's two okay, that okay, we'll pull out two.

Okay, the surrender experiment, the surrender experiment. And I'm terrible with names. Who is this by the same guy who wrote Untethered Soul? Michael singer, I think Michael singer, incredible book. You know, if people could read that, I just think it helps you understand just how much power letting go and surrendering to the intuition can have in your life and how much more relaxed your physical mind can be. That's like one book and the other book, letting go by Richard Dawkins. Richard Hawkins, letting go, I think these are two books. And they're all a lot about inner work in a work and connecting to your intuition, but I think when you really master it, everything just shifts your whole reality shifts have never been unfolds in a very effortless and exciting and magical way, including your courses and client work.

Adam Liette
I love it. Fantastic. Well, I need to go to Amazon after this and order. Both of those. Neither of those are on my bookshelf, which is why I asked the question, because when we ask the questions, that's when we are constantly constantly improving our lives. It's one of my coaches says, you know, the quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions that you ask. Ask quality questions, guys. Awesome. Anastasia, I've enjoyed so much getting to know you getting to have this conversation here today. I look forward to staying in touch. Definitely. And thank you for what you're doing in the world. A lot of coaches need you a lot. Of course creators need you and it's it's really an honor to have you now in my network.

Anastasia Lapik
Thank you, Adam. I'm so grateful to be here and for you to give this beautiful space for me to share my passion with everyone.

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