Saturday, September 09, 2023
If we’re winning at home, then we can win in business.
This week I’m thrilled to bring Scott Landis from Awakened Life Academy to the show to discuss his personal journey and the key lessons that have enabled him success in his business and life.
Discovering the why behind everything that he was doing has helped him to become more aligned with his family and clear in his purpose. He felt like he was on assignment and became mission-oriented and aligned. .
This is an incredibly deep interview that will help you find the inner strength that’s right there waiting for you. Scott brings incredible tips for you to get started.
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20 Business Owners Lives Will Change In 2024...
...And I’m Personally Inviting You To Be One Of Them!
Adam Liette
Hey, they're smooth operators, welcome to Friday show this is the interview show. And you all know how darn excited I get when I get to bring in a guest expert. And today is no exception. Because really, guys, life is about more than business. We know this, right? It's, we have our business life, but then we have everything else around it. And if our life is out of sorts, if something's out of balance, how can we ever expect to be successful in our businesses, because I can say, in my personal experience, when the business was off, it was because of something at home, it was because of something in me. And I couldn't, it wasn't just about fixing something in the business is about fixing myself. First. This is why self care, family care, being right with the people that you love, and that you're close to in your life are so important. Because if we can win their first, then we can win in business, it does not happen the other way around, there is no magical funnel, or magical sale that is going to fix a broken home situation, you got to fix that first guys, and then you're going to be able to be successful in your business. Which is why I got to bring in my good friend, who I've been talking to now we've been in a mastermind together for a couple months. His name is Scott Landis. Scott is the CEO of awakened life coaching and training. And he's this guy is super awesome. I cannot wait to bring him on the show. I know we've had such amazing conversations already. And really, I'm just always amazed by the depth of Scott's knowledge, his compassion, just the way he shows up in a room and he's just one of those people you meet and you're meet like, I need to spend more time with you because you make you make my life better just by being in my life. So without further ado, let me bring you on the show. Scott, thank you so much for coming on. Welcome to this mood operator.
Scott Landis
Thank you, Adam. I would say all those things about you too. And I appreciate you. Thank you for that.
Adam Liette
Absolutely, Scott. So tell us a little bit about your background. What brought you to this place?
Scott Landis
What brought me to this place? Well, I think, you know, I've been entrepreneurs since 2001. And I started out being a very goal oriented machine completely focused on goals. And that brought me to you know, I started out in insurance and financial services, I got involved in real estate investing. And then Oh 809 came around. And I experienced a financial catastrophe lost everything after, after a great success and gold crashing. I, I had that up in that big crash down. And I spent the next couple two, three years reassessing, like, what is the meaning of life? What does this all mean? Why did goals not like, you know, and being a good goal achiever? Why did that not turn into everything I hoped for. And then that led me to understanding more about purpose and fulfillment and the things that are deeper meaning in life, not just about achieving a goal for money, revenue. And, and then, you know, I think 2012 is when I kind of had this, this epiphany, what I call my awakening. And it was a spiritual awakening, really, I mean, I've been a Christian my whole life. I grew up as a cultural Christian, and, but then I just really started believing that, that that there's a God that designed me, and there's a purpose for that design. And it's not just to go to heaven someday it's to do work on the earth while I'm here, and that just completely change everything. So I've been obsessed for the last 10 years with the idea of living a life of purpose through business, integrating everything about your life, your your marriage, your family, the fun, you have your activities and your work into a specific and clear purpose.
Adam Liette
My goodness. So something did get you a dig come out of 2008. We can say, now 12 years after the fact, because I can't imagine what that was like to go through just everything crashing around you. But like, how did that? How did that impact your, your awareness, your your confidence in moving forward? Or was it? Like, what? What were some of your thoughts back then. And
Scott Landis
during that time, in that time before the kind of The Awakening time, so Oh, nine to 2012, I was I was pretty much just lost I, I did have a strong belief in God. And so my faith was like, Okay, I know that I know that there's something I just don't know what it is, like, I'm too stupid to figure this sounds like I just don't have the eyes to see it. And so I just became a sponge. And I knew that the answers that I got from my entrepreneurial world weren't the ones that served me because I, I was, I was a sponge before, but I was looking at secular solutions, right? None of them are bad. It just, I just knew something was missing. And I didn't know what and I knew that there. For me, I thought there had to be something that was a God centered solution that I didn't know. Right. So I had these two worlds in my life. You know, I think a lot of people can relate to this compartmentalization of faith and, and the rest of your life, right? So Sunday, I was a Christian. And the rest of the week, I didn't really know what was different about my life, compared to my friends, I didn't go to church. I mean, but other than Sunday, pretty much everything else looked the same. And including best business practices. And there's, again, there's nothing wrong with best business practices, but I just realized they didn't get me where I wanted to go. And so I just during that time period into question, I just felt lost. And, and I knew what I didn't want to repeat the same process, because that's sort of the gut reaction, right? You're like, Okay, you have a, you have, you know, a success and a failure, and you're like, oh, just repeat the same process, you know, that would be one option. I just didn't feel like that was the right thing for me. So I just kind of took a pause, I ended up getting a job, A J, OB, like, going from entrepreneur, business owner, multiple businesses, kind of leading a pack, to getting a J. OB, that's a tough thing for us entrepreneurs, right. But I, that's just where I was mentally as like, I know that left to my own devices, I'm just gonna set a goal and crush it. And that could hurt. I felt pain association with goal setting and crushing goals. So I was like, okay, can't do that is like a Pavlov dog thing, do not do that. And I didn't know what else to do. So I sort of just like, my mantra during that time is if I don't know what to do, I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing. And so that kind of like set me on a path for not very much growth for a while.
Adam Liette
Right. My goodness, you know, there's there's some use hit he hit on there was the compartmentalization. And how you're treating your your lives like yours leading separate lives, depending on days of the week, and what activity you're doing. And I've personally found, when we do that, it actually leads to competition. Like when we're compartmentalizing, like that. We're almost at war with ourselves, like that internal tug of war that's going on. And I think that's like the exact opposite of actually living with purpose where we're kind of having this life. That's all inclusive, that's all in and just like, everything is matching. Right. And I think that's, that kind of leads us into having a life of purpose, isn't it?
Scott Landis
Yeah, I mean, that was definitely I didn't know it then. But that was definitely what was missing is just like, the why behind everything else. And again, for me, when when the first clue was, again, that 2012 Awakening, the first clue was okay, I've I've, again, I grew up going to church. So the message of the Bible wasn't unfamiliar to me. The message of the church was an unfamiliar and the gospel message, you know, I I've heard these terms I've heard you know, oh, heaven, I know what that is. That's where I go someday when I die.
Adam Liette
Right? What changed
Scott Landis
was being a Christian is not just about where you go, after you die. There's actually work to be done on this planet. There's time that exists, you know, in eternity, which is such a small short period of time. Yeah. But I felt an urgency once I once I realized, okay, oh, this isn't just camping at the bus stop waiting for, you know, got my ticket to heaven waiting for the bus to arrive. And then I get I know, I've got it. You know, when that comes, I got it. I felt that certainty. But I didn't. Literally I felt like I was just sitting here waiting for that to happen, and you might as well do whatever you do. But when I realized, okay, there's actually a meaning and a purpose to this time on the planet. And, you know, I mean, I could go way deep into that, but the the big ideas that you realize, okay, there's work to be done. There's a, there's a reason why that work needs to be done. And, and then that's for everyone. But then specifically, for me, I've got my specific, as evidenced by my gifting, like I have different gifting than you and you have different gifting than me, I realized that we have different retinal scans, we have different fingerprints. Oh, there's some uniqueness. So there's this broad sense of purpose, but then there's a unique assignment for me and for you, and for each person. Like, I got excited about that, if I could figure out what is that unique thing that I'm supposed to do. Like, if if the God of the universe says, Scott, you've got this unique thing that I want you to do while you're here, you know, it's, it's a take it or leave it, like, he's going to be fine, whether or not I do it, but I believed that, you know, I came to find that, that was for me, like, you can you can, you can hang out at the bus stop, or, you know, for the rest of your life, or you can go do an adventure. You know, there's, there's something exciting and fulfilling, like, I created you to do this exact thing. And if you do that thing, it's gonna be awesome, right? You're gonna love it, because I created you to love it. So that's where, you know, I just became obsessed with that concept. And it got me really excited, right?
Adam Liette
Yeah, for sure. I can barely tell. So I think there's so much to take away from that, Scott, because it's not a matter of if we're going to face those moments in life. I think it's when and then how often. And if you're listening, and you haven't experienced that yet, brother, it's coming. It's coming. And the thing is going to be how we respond in those moments. And I love your idea of that unique assignment. You know, I'm a military guy, we get assignments all the time, like, go do that. And it's like, well, there's my assignment. If our listeners out there, and they're thinking, Well, what's my assignment? Like? How do we find that assignment? Is it as simple as what our second grade teacher told us? Like, if you had a million dollars, what would you do for the rest of your life? Or is there something a little deeper than that, that we can do to find our assignment?
Scott Landis
Yeah, I mean, I think that's the big question. Right. And, and my, my podcast, I interview people, like, I've got 50 interviews with people. And I'm asking that question, there's 50 different answers. Right. So, so here's my two cents for what it's worth. But yeah, I mean, I think it's the way I kind of look at it. And again, I spent the last 10 years being obsessed with this working with entrepreneurs and business leaders who are wanting to explore that question. And so I've learned a few things along the way, by working with those people and, and kind of my formula is, it starts with that, again, that concept, you know, wherever you are on on a spiritual place, or a faith place, or religious place, if you can buy the idea that there's design in you, right, if you can, if you can get past that obstacle, that hurdle of like, okay, yeah, I could see there's design here, right? Just, you know, I can see there's design in the car and in the driveway, you know, it's, it's got a design, it's got a purpose, right. The purpose is evidenced by the design. Ah, so if we look at people that way, you know, what are the unique qualifiers? What are the gifts, the gifting the things that are easy, then and the question that the kindergarten teacher asks if you had you know, unlimited resource, what would you do? There is clues there there are clues in what you're passionate about what you're attracted to what you're opposed to what gets you really pissed off, will get you really excited. Like what are the injustices that you that just got wrench you and maybe doesn't your spouse or you know, your your best friend, those are clues into design, but also what are you super good at like natural talents and abilities? What you know, like for me, one of the things I realized was, I'm really good at like, kind of, for lack have a better term seeing into people like, I don't, I don't enjoy having surface level conversations, you know, at the the guy at the party who wants to talk about sports and you know, the weather, that's not me, I'd rather go into a corner and find somebody sitting quietly and say, Hey, how are you doing? I want to talk one on one with somebody, I don't need to be the life of the party, but I want to go deep, if you want to talk about depths of souls type stuff, you know, that's, that's attractive to me. But I have a unique gifting, not unique, but it's, it's, it's a gifting that, that I'm able to kind of, you know, a curiosity that I can dig deep into people and, and kind of, say, Hey, did you see this, this is really cool about you, right? I can, like help people see that and reveal that. And, and, and, of course, that kind of led into, you know, oh, this, this coaching thing, this, this, you know, this might be a good fit for that gifting, right. But everybody has things that come easier to them than others, right. And those are clues. So it's just about reading those clues. And again, as simple as the car in the driveway. Like, if you never saw a car before, and you just found one, first time ever, you wouldn't take you very long to Sam, look these these four things with rubber on them they roll, you know, you would start to like, okay, oh, you would, you would say this steering wheel, this this round thing, the circle thing, this actually moves the front, four rubber things, you know, you would figure it out just by investigating the design qualities of what that's meant to do. And once you start up that engine, then you know, game on, right. So I would, I would say, you know, that's kind of the metaphor for like, once you kind of awaken that, that, that discovery, right, you realize, oh, you know, I'll send that the fuel gets bind, and you can like, go, yeah,
Adam Liette
that's often the painful part, right? Getting discovery and having to be honest with ourselves and really self evaluate story. Like, it's, it's not always fun, but when we lean into it, and we have a guide, whether it be a coach, or a best friend, or a spouse, or parent or sibling, like there are people all around us to help us through this. And I've always found, like, if I go through my own self assessment, it gets a little scary. But if I, if I work with someone, an external person that knows me incredibly well, like, that's really where the magic happens, because they're going to confirm things for you. But they're all it's amazing the skills that we have, and the magic that we all have inside of us that we are so used to that we don't even see ourselves. That's
Scott Landis
that's a good point. Yes. Yeah. It can be, it can be very hard to see what those things are, because we are so used to seeing them, right? It's kind of like, you know, you see the image in the mirror all the time. But if somebody shows you the side of your head or the back of your head, you're like, oh, that I did not see that. Right, it will be a different view. So it can be helpful to put somebody you know, whether it be one person or a whole group of people around you, that can help you see those things.
Adam Liette
I love it so much. Just such that's like real value, I think in not putting ourselves in a bubble. It's so tempting, I think in the entrepreneurial, especially online entrepreneurial journey, to pretend like we're gonna just block ourselves in our basement and create this multimillion dollar. Huge, you know, my great empire, but that's not how it works, does it it has, like community matters and surrounding ourselves with like minded people matters, doesn't
Scott Landis
it? Yeah, I mean, that's a major component of it for me is like, I need those people that was part of my journey as I need those people around me that have the like minded, you know, think this way, right, that have, as I would say, they're awakened as well, right. You know, there's plenty of zombies going around the world, you know, just on the hamster wheel of life and doing the same thing mundane now, day in and day out. But the people that are like, purpose focused, I want those people around me and I also intentionally, and I would put you in this camp, I intentionally look for people that I trust enough to say, Hey, if you see something in me if You see, like, if I'm out of alignment, if you see, if you see gifting to call out me, if you whatever I want you, I give you permission, I encourage you to be somebody who can speak boldly into my life, you know, sometimes called care front station, right? care enough to confront stuff that's hard to say like, you know, it really sometimes it can be as difficult as like, I'm willing to sacrifice you, you might not love me anymore, you might not want to be my friend anymore. If I bring this up, that kind of hard conversation, I intentionally invite people into my life that I trust enough. And I respect and admire enough that I want them to know, hey, you got permission to give me that stuff. And I'm going to take it as value and not say you're a jerk and never talk to again, I'm out. There are some people that might that don't have that permission that might that I might say that. But when I say that I'm intentionally looking for that community in that depth of community. You know, the iron sharpens iron kind of
Adam Liette
community, right? For sure. Oh, my gosh. It's that's a level of vulnerability, Scott, I think it takes someone with a very skilled purpose and like, self awareness to do it. I'd love to say, Yeah, I'm all for that. But I'm like, maybe times. It's hard to hear that about ourselves. It's hard to invite someone at that level. So if, if a listener has never done that, and they don't have those types of connections, they're looking at their phone going, Yeah, great. You guys got this group's you're a part of like, how do we get started even creating those relationships? If we don't have?
Scott Landis
Well? Yeah. I mean, you you would, you would say that you have that with your wife, right? I think I've learned enough about you to know that. Yeah, and I would start there. Like if you're, if you can build that with your spouse, that's great. But sometimes as business leaders, there's stuff that is hard to even talk to even no matter how good your relationship with with your spouse is. There's some things that you can deal with as a business leader that could stress your wife out, and why put her through that so so that's why we need these other trusted relationships. And, you know, again, that I've there's a couple things I'm obsessed about. And that's one of the one of the other ones that I I love mastermind groups I love you know, and, and that I guess that word gets thrown around a lot but but it's it's a community, it's a small group of people that fit the qualifications I just previously spoke about where you're coming into this small group community, with that intention in mind, I want you to speak into my life and I will do the same for you, I will be present for you. Like the authentic relationship with presence is so non existent today. It doesn't happen automatically. With, you know, having, you know, 10,000 20,000 followers on Instagram or, you know, you've got, you know, 5000 contacts on Facebook, yet, we don't have these kinds of relationships. So you have to be really intentional about it. You know, I, I've made it a business to to connect other business owners together and create, facilitate these kinds of environments, because there's, there's a bit of a skill set to it. But if I could, if I could, like, give a, a couple of pointers on like, how to do it. Okay, here's, here's a good story. So a few years ago, you know, our mutual friend Caleb, and I don't know if you know, Billy, but the three of us. I was I was really good friends with Billy. Billy and Caleb are like childhood best friends. And so he was sort of like, really good friends with both Caleb and I and he was telling us about each other. Finally, after a few years, we kind of formed this three man bond right? And and there was a commitment there with each other. We call her a little group the three cherries Now don't tell anybody that That's private. But it's the three cherries and we have a texting with the three cherries, emojis, but but the three of us have formed a bond and and a an accountability system and an encouragement system and I just like sometimes shoot the shit system but it's it's like you we are intentional about me. Seeing regularly and speaking truth to each other being fully present for each other. And we're there for each other. You know, and, you know, recently, this past year, we've gotten very busy, and we're not meeting as often. This is kind of going back a couple years. But I know that any one of these guys, you know, has my back, and I can ask them for anything at any point. And they know that about me. So I want to use the word covenant. It's like, if you have a covenant idea, you know, if you if you're brave enough to go to your buddy and say, Hey, let's have a covenant kind of relationship with the difference between covenant and a contract, right covenant is, I'm going to show up for you this way, no matter what you do on the other side. And if you've got that going both ways, that's pretty powerful.
Adam Liette
100%, I can't express the value I've gotten from from that. I you put it in a way that I couldn't put it, like that level of relationship, because I guess I'm like in four masterminds now. And one of them was literally started the same way. You, you, Caleb and Billy did where I met two guys. I was I was launching an affiliate program, and I met them both as a result of this. I was like, Well, I really like you, we really get along. I really like you too. We should all meet together. And now we meet together every month. Actually. Next Thursday's our time, it's the second Thursday of every month. And it's three hours that we meet. And it's like, it gets in the weeds brutal, like helping, but it's all good. It's all that constructive feedback that we need. And it's business. But it's also guys will bring stuff from home from some of the personal life and bring it to us. And it's such a great relationship, that that ends up forming. And like you said, it's in between the meetings, it's if anyone needs anything, we're all dropping whatever we got going on to help our buddy out because, right? It's reciprocal, right? And when you give, when you give you're receiving, aren't you? Like it's yeah. It's this funny thing that happens when we're giving of ourselves, I think.
Scott Landis
Yeah, yeah, I mean, that the, the ultimate fulfillment comes from growth and contribution. So you know, to having something that is so near and dear to your heart that you want to give to it. That's that contribution. It's actually I use this, this is one thing, you know, I do a lot of work with people in their relationships. And one of the things that kind of is profound about the relationship work I do is, is admitting that we are self selfish creatures. I used to think that it would be really good for my wife and I to be selfless, right? But I don't subscribe to that anymore. I actually teach couples, you are selfish. Just admit it, let's be selfish together. But the way that you're selfish matters, right? And, and that, that ultimate form of selfish is the ultimate fulfillment, right? When you're when you're fulfillment focused, you know, you can you can focus on the basic human needs. And that's when you see the selfish aihole, right. But a person say like Tony Robbins, who I learned these, this needs model from, if you if you look at him, he's having a experiencing ultimate fulfillment. And his number one driving need that he's fulfilling is contribution and growth, right. So in a way, he's the most selfish one in the room when he's got, you know, 10,000 people in his in his thing, because he's ultimately fulfilling his, his deepest desire to do what he was born to do. And so if you can kind of tap into that in these relationships, these one on one relationships and say, you know, between a husband and wife, if I make it my absolute biggest fulfilling desire to light her up and make every one of her needs met. That's, I'm doing that for me. Because I know that's gonna feel amazing. But imagine if you have two people that are doing that covenant chili between each other, then holy cow, that's, that's heavenly, right there.
Adam Liette
Oh, my gosh, that flip that like that connected like five different thoughts that I've had about relationships and marriage all at once. Because someone had told me once. If you wake up every day and think, What can I do for my spouse today? That's the key to having a really good relationship and we can, like if you don't have a spouse, we non significant other, and you just have other people in life like what can you do for that person in your life? Sure. And then like, like you said, it's got, we're actually making it a selfish need to fulfill that desire to do good for them. And that's, oh, it's taking all the bad, whatever stereotypes that we have about human behavior and turning it into a good.
Scott Landis
Yeah, yeah. And that to me, you know, most people are familiar with Maslow's hierarchy of needs. And there's a there's a, there's this pyramid thing, but there's a transcending the pyramid level, right? It's called transcending the needs, right? And that's, to me, I haven't experienced a higher level of fulfillment than that, than to just kind of tap into that we don't do it all the time, or perfectly, right. But it really feels like heaven on earth, when you when you get that kind of relationship going with another person.
Adam Liette
Oh, my goodness. I just have ideas, Scott, that's crazy. That's. But that's good thing like, we're, we're never done growing. We're never done, enhancing our personal self. And that's why self care. That's why becoming the better person. It leads to success in everything that we're doing. And that's why I firmly believe, like I said, at the start of the show, if something's broken in your business, like, you better look at home versus you better looking inside first. Because that's the thing to fix. Don't try to fix your funnel, your ad doesn't matter. Your ad doesn't care about you. It's a static being out there. And Zuckerberg land. You can't control that. But you can control what's in here. Yeah,
Scott Landis
yeah. Yeah. And that I mean, that that's the root of the work that I do. I mean, I, I call myself a performance coach for you know, for entrepreneurs who are, you know, understanding this idea, because we have to look at being the best. What that means to me is being the best version of yourself as a leader, as a spouse, as a parent, whatever your roles are being the best version of yourself, and squeezing out the next level of performance on that. That's a that's a daily quest, right. But you do have to be, to your point, self focused to do that. But if you under if you again, the difference between the aihole and the guy who's making the huge impact in the world, is not that one's you know, they're both selfish, right? From my definition. But one is focused on the His purpose is to meet his own needs. The other one is, His purpose is to make a contribution. So if you get really dialed in your morning routine, and you make sure that you hold that space for yourself, love yourself, care for yourself. I mean, nobody said it better than Jesus. Like, you know, he was being tested by the rule makers and the religious people of his time, like, Hey, you think you're so smart? Like, what's the best law? You know, you know, there's like 600 laws in our religion, which one do you think is the best? And he said, Love God, but then the second love your neighbor as yourself. And then what do you know what he said after that?
Adam Liette
Off top my head, I'm drawing a blank.
Scott Landis
So the thing that he said after that is what I find the most profound so everybody, I mean, most people have heard that you know, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul, your mind, and then love your neighbor as yourself. You know, people can quote that. But then he said, with that, and I'm paraphrasing here, but all the law is fulfilled in those two things. So he gave one and he said, Hey, I'll even do better. Here's number two. Everything else? Doesn't matter if you get those, right. So, okay, so let that sink in for a second. Jesus said, everything else doesn't matter if you just get I mean, I like simple right? Let's boil it down to a nutshell, right? So okay, I'm like, okay, yeah, what do we got here? But why? Why, why the world has so many problems, is people aren't loving themselves. People don't care for themselves. People go around thinking horrible thoughts about themselves. And no wonder. We're treating as a society as a culture. We're treating people so horribly, because we're doing it to ourselves. You're going to treat your neighbor, your fellow man, as you treat yourself so that again, from a It might sound selfish, but I'm saying take care of yourself. Love yourself. I beg you to love yourself, because I know that the way that you love yourself is going to come out in the way that you love me as your fellow man. So what if we as a society all got that really, really down right? Then everything would change. And of course that needs to be in the context of, you know who your creator says you are. Right. You know, if we're informed by our own stupid thoughts, you know, well, I'm, you know, I'm ugly. I'm not gonna, no, no, that's not what God says. Right? So we That's why number one is so important. But we get we get all three parts, right? Love God love your neighbor as you love yourself, then that's a that's a life. That's a world changing sentiment.
Adam Liette
It feeds right into what I was just ready to ask Scott and I love that you, you got right in front of it, let's like, how do we pivot to that, and I'm thinking of this, like, I'm sorry, an operations guy, I'm thinking like a 20 step process with three phases. But it's nice. It's really simple. Like, if we start with that simple premise, loving ourselves loving our God, if you're not Christian, this is not Christian centric. I mean, you can love God and be whatever religion religion or not religion, or just believe in a creator or whatever, it doesn't matter, believing in some kind of a higher power, it all kind of feeds on that same sentiment. But we fixed those two things. And everything else is fulfilled, right? So darn simple, that, to remind ourselves to do it,
Scott Landis
right, I think everybody can relate to regardless of religion, or faith or anything, being the best version of yourself with the right lens, right? So that you can be a better member of society, you know, be the best version of yourself. So you look really good. And you get more followers on Instagram. And, you know, that's not it, right? You know, have the best BMW, you know,
Adam Liette
because I'm never gonna look the best to get the best people on Instagram. So that's okay.
Scott Landis
But, you know, if you, if you if you are motivated by, okay, I want to be the best version of myself so that I can make that that woman that I live with, super happy, so they can raise those kids that, you know, are under my roof. So that, so they can be the best version of that. That's why I have to protect that. That, you know, air quotes selfish time, right? You know,
Adam Liette
yeah. And just within our businesses, I know this from a fact. Because I've experienced it. Like my team solid. My, my, the people I was working with, on sales calls, they saw it. I mean, there was a different air around me when I started to love myself, when I pulled myself out of whatever dark hole I put myself into, or the world to put me into, like our team. If you guys are leading a team listeners out there, and you start implementing this, like, right now. Everyone around you is going to see the difference, and they're going to see it quick. They're going to be wondering what happened. seems different now. Yes. Because you are and it's a beautiful thing. Yeah.
Scott Landis
Yeah, that, that, that that leads me to identity, right. It's, it's changing your identity. You're who you believe you are, you know, people will see that right.
Adam Liette
Yeah. My goodness, one thing I do for that, Scott, I don't know if you do this, but I do. Like, it's in my planner every day I do these like affirmations of like, I love myself, I'm, I'm good enough. I, I can't have it all. And you know, all these little things I tell myself every day as part of my morning self care routine? Is there anything any particular tactics that you've found to be really helpful? When we're starting to look at morning routine and taking that time for ourselves?
Scott Landis
Well, I really liked the one you just mentioned. But I want to give a caution on it. Because our you know, the brain. I don't remember where I've heard this, but there's like 95% of our computing power in our brain is subconscious, right? And that so at least five, I'm good at math. You know, I figured this out. 5% is the conscious brain. So basically, where we're able to, like, Be cognizant, and be thinking about our thinking is 5% of our computing power. So when you're giving those affirmations, you're using that 5% But there's that other 95% It's David versus Goliath here that 95% is subconscious programming. It's essentially the operating system of your computer, right? It's running in the background, and it's in control. Like if you zone out on your way to wherever you're going. You get there and you're like, I'm gonna get here. Well, your subconscious drove you right You know, there's all sorts of things that happen on autopilot. And our subconscious will call BS on our on our affirmations if we're not careful. So that's reality, let's just deal with reality. So if, if I'm saying, I have more than enough money today, you know, I don't know what, let's make it really obvious. I have a million dollars in the bank, right? That might be an affirmation that I would have used in my previous life, right? I have a million dollars in the bank. And I'm stating it in the present, because somebody told me that that's what you're supposed to do stay in the present. But my subconscious, like, you don't have a million dollars in the bank, you barely got $2 in the bank. So my subconscious is Goliath, and it's gonna win. So what we can do, though, and I just recently learned this, it's like looking out to, like, if, if, if you're in a house that's small enough, a room that's small enough, you can have a window out your left and a window out here, right? So you can look out the window, and you see what's you know, maybe in your front yard. You look out the window, you see what's in your front yard, you see a a bike, you know, kid on a bike, you look out your backyard, you see a squirrel in a tree? Which one's true? Like, it just depends on which window you're looking at. Right. So, tell me one of your affirmations again,
Adam Liette
I love myself.
Scott Landis
Okay, your subconscious might be saying, well, that's bullshit. Because what listen to the things you were saying about yourself just last night, right? So one window, says, I love myself. And that's true. The other window says, That's BS, because you I heard what you said to yourself just last night. Both are true. And once we acknowledge that both are there, then we can make a choice. Now this is all this is kind of like an almost an NLP kind of thing, right? So we're using that word, we're using that 5% more effectively to hack the code. And say, even though both are true, I choose to look out that window, I want to look at the kid on the bike instead of the squirrel in the tree is just a simple choice. And even though that thoughts there, I choose this thought. Not that anything is technically wrong about what you're doing. But just that that's another level of metadata that I think makes it so much more powerful.
Adam Liette
What's another level of awareness? For sure. And that's really useful, because like, we get to have that choice. And yeah, I hadn't even considered the fact that I still have that choice. And subconscious, Adam might still be saying, Yeah, that's bullshit. So just acknowledging the choice is still there. And being aware of it. I'd say 99% of the problems in the world are, you know, we're not aware that it's a problem yet. And once we're aware, now, we can fix it, but it's being problem aware. That's really the it's that first step,
Scott Landis
then you have power to Yeah, to deal with it. Yeah, that's
Adam Liette
good. Oh, my goodness gracious. Scott, we could go on and on and on. But I do want to be respectful of your time. I know you have a time hack at the top of the hour zone, we might have to have you back on at some leftist feel like we could talk for hours. And well, we already have so we'll talk for more hours gonna be great. Scott, where can where can our listeners learn more and continue this journey? I feel like if your listeners and I gosh, we just scratched the surface. Exactly. Because this is not a short term thing. This is a long term, you're never done with this, which can either discourage you or if you're like me, it just excites me, because I know I got I'm gonna fix something and then I've just got more to fix. So it's always a good thing. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Scott Landis
I mean, it's, it's a daily grind those daily habits and yeah, my website is awakened. I want to invite people to, like we're talking about community and just like the quickest way that I can meet you and meet other people in the community is just come to one of my many forums, I think you've been to one, then you can just go to CEO dot awaken just changed the www to CEO dot awaken And you can come to a free event and, you know, get started on some community building and kind of if you've never experienced a mastermind, for, it'll be an opportunity to kind of get a taste of what that's like. But yeah, plug in, you know, the other place that that I that I have is awakened life And that's just again, another free, free way to plug in and kind of
stay connected. Awesome. Well listeners if this excited you in any way possible and thought if you just got one good thing from this working with people like and working with Scott and people like Scott, like I said at the top of the show it's it's changed my life in such a positive way when I meet someone for the first time, and I can because I'm like Scott, I like to have those deep conversations in the corner, rather than just talking about the ballgame. But if you haven't done this yet, and you're curious, you owe it to yourself to give it a shot, you will be amazed at the results that you get, not only in your business, but in your life and the way you look in the mirror. And everything feeds into everything. And it just leads to this great life of purpose and fulfillment. That's so brother Scott, thank you so much for joining me. This has been an absolute pleasure. And I look forward to the next time we get to chat.
Adam Liette
Thank you so much, Adam. I appreciate it.
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