42. Finding Freedom with Nicky Billou

Saturday, September 09, 2023

Smooth Operator/Podcast/42. Finding Freedom with Nicky Billou

42. Finding Freedom with Nicky Billou


Today I’m thrilled to have the first interview on the Smooth Operator Podcast! Nicky Billou the host of The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast, The Sovereign Man Podcast, and CEO of eCircle Academy. He’s interviewed legends like Seth Godin, success and investment coaching icon, Raymond Aaron and my personal mentor Alex Charfen. His guests are top thought leaders who have become widely known for their expertise and results.

In this long-form interview, we explore Nicky’s journey to both personal and monetary freedom. This has not been a straight line! But the insights that Nicky brings are truly remarkable.

To learn more about Nicky:

The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast - https://www.thethoughtleaderrevolution.com/

The Sovereign Man Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-sovereign-man-podcast/id1580828975

eCircle Academy - https://ecircleacademy.com/

Discover more on today’s episode.Learn more at https://www.adamliette.com

Discover how to work with me: https://www.adamliette.com/work-with-me

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Adam Liette
Sweet. All right. So it's my honor, today to introduce Nicky Balu. He's the host of the thought leader Revolution podcast and CEO of E circle Academy. On this show, he's interviewed legends like Seth Godin, Raymond Aaron, and one of my personal heroes and mentors, Alex scharffen, the guests on that show the top thought leaders, and I've really enjoyed going back through some of the episodes, and just getting to know a little bit about Nikki and what he does. So thank you so much for joining me, Nick. It's a pleasure to have you.

Nicky Billou
On man, it's an honor to be here. God bless you. First of all, I mean, you mentioned to me that you'd serve in the military. And, you know, it's men and women like you who are willing to put their lives on the line who fight, bleed and die for the rest of us to get to keep us free. So thank you for doing that brother.

Adam Liette
Absolutely. Nikki was a 100%. Pleasure. I don't know if I do it all again. But I'm glad I did it once. But it was a great journey.

Nicky Billou
Let's hope you do. Well, yes, for sure.

Adam Liette
Awesome. So as I was getting ready for this interview, I went to your website, and I found the thought leaders journey, which is available for free at at EA circle Academy. And I have to admit, I sat down the other night around 10pm wrapping up my day, thinking I'd read one to two chapters of the book. I ended up reading the whole thing in one sitting, put it down it was it just captured me so much. So we're just well done on creating this amazing fable, and gave me a lot of different questions I'd love to dive into on the on this in this discussion. But to kick things off, if you just tell us a little about yourself, Nikita, tell us about your journey.

Nicky Billou
Absolutely. So I'm originally an immigrant from the Middle East. My family are Christians from Iran. And Iran is an overwhelmingly Muslim majority country. And when I was a little boy in the late 70s, there was an Islamic revolution in Iran. And the secular government of the Shah was overthrown. My late father, God rest his soul, the greatest human I've ever known, the greatest man I've ever known. He could see the writing on the wall if this was not going to be a great place for him to raise his Christian family. So he took us out of Iran in brought us to the free West, we ended up settling in Canada. And every single day, I'm grateful to my father, for a having precise and foresight and, and be for changing the trajectory of his family by bringing us from tyranny to freedom. And I know today, we're living in a time where there's a lot of folks that, that it's fashionable for them to say things like, America is so oppressive and racist and sexist. And you know what I have to say to that, Adam, really? You want to come a Ron, you want to come to other countries in the Middle East? You know what, anyone? If you're a woman, you need to cover up your hair. And if you don't, there's hell to pay legally. And people on the street, there's thugs on the street who will attack you, and they will not be harassed by the authorities because well, you deserve it for not putting a headdress on, you know, covering yourself from head to toe. So that's number one. Okay, legally, rights are given two men that are not given to women legally, yet understand. You can divorce someone in Iran. Three words, I divorce, you know, six words, I divorced, you are divorced, you are divorced you. A man can do that to a woman and it's and carries the force of law. He throws her out on the street with nothing. Okay? So just just tell yourself, it's not just anyone, it's tons of countries, this happens. Okay, if you're gay in Iran, and they catch you, they hang you from a crane. That's not like in the western movies where your neck snaps immediately you're dead right away. You slowly suffocate. Can you imagine the horror of dying that way for being gay, which is something people can't control? You know, it's, it's like think about that. And, and the other thing is, over here, we have looked at the sins of our forefathers from, you know, the point of view of discrimination, racism and so forth. And we have mightily taken steps to address them the Civil Rights Act of the 60s and things like that. In the part of the world that I come from, they will do that they double down on racism Yeah, I'm ethnic Assyrian. Believe me. There was a lot of legal racism against me legal racism for not being Muslim. You know, like, there's a concept in Islamic countries of blood money if you're not Muslim, though. The amount of money Like if you were accidentally killed or whatever you owe the family blood money for Muslims, the fee is that x for non Muslims is that a third x, just just so you understand. I mean, the, this is the most tolerant, wonderful place on the planet. We are all lucky to be here. I believe that people that are born here don't understand how good they have it, how precious freedom is. And someone like you who fought bled and died for us the reason it's important for me to acknowledge that every time I run into someone from the military, I want to shake their hand if I'm physically with them, or acknowledge them if I'm not, is because freedom is precious. And my father understood that and like I stand by stand for freedom, I do what I do for freedom. I want every entrepreneur to be financially free, have a vision of billion millionaires, a billion millionaires, because then we'll create a constituency for freedom and free enterprise, the likes of which the world has never seen. So freedom free expression, free enterprise. That's what Nike blue is all about. That's, that's the thing that I want to say to you. And the second thing I want to say is my late father, he was an entrepreneur, okay. And dad is the greatest man I knew, because as an entrepreneur, he was always doing things for people. Like if you needed a job, and he had a job to give you he would if he didn't, he'd go help you look for a job. He'd like call people up and get you a job. If you wanted to get a start in business that will help get you set up. Right? And this wasn't like I'm investing in him. You gotta pick me up. It's like, no, here's the money, go to go do your thing. You know what I'll help you. I'll get you set up with a few people. So you get some customers. And that's how he was. And if you work for him, and you know, you couldn't quite afford the new house or the new car or the new apartment, God would help you get that. And like, Adam, you're listening to all this? And you probably don't Yeah, yeah, right. But your dad would do that. I can't I can't even imagine somebody don't like houses, apartments, cars, like a gift. Sure, but now more white. And no, for real. He did that. And you might go Nikki, why did he do that? Well, first of all, he was a Christian. And he believed God had blessed him. And he believed that he must share his blessings. Like if dad kept all the money, I'll tell you what, man, we probably have another 30 million in the bank. So you know, he that's like, like, no joke, right? But he didn't. And I honor him for that. And then the other reason he did this is because he could. He had the financial wherewithal as a successful entrepreneur, the success this is one of the reason I'm so passionate about free enterprise. You know, I read the books of iron Rand, I read Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom and Friedrich hikes, The Road to Serfdom. If you haven't read those guys, you ought to you want to check out their work and everyone listening to this today, check out their work.

Adam Liette
They're on my bookshelf.

Nicky Billou
I've read them all. There you go. So you and I were simpatico brother, adolescence sabbatical. I love it. So, so, you know, I wanted to be just like debt. I wanted to be an entrepreneur, like, I just thought he was my hero, still is, you know, and yeah, I became an entrepreneur. And I started to realize something brothers, there was a lot of good men and woman with good hearts. Okay, good hearts. There were entrepreneurs that were, you know, they just didn't know how to operate in the world. They were trying to do marketing things. And then when it came to selling, like they just didn't want to come across like they were pushy. They don't want to come across like they were salesy. You don't want to record commission breath. You don't want to do that, right. And so as a result, these good people wouldn't get sales. They wouldn't, their business wouldn't grow, they would suffer, they'd stay stuck, you know what I mean? And that would cause them financial, like stress, they won't be able to buy their dream home, they wouldn't be able to, you know, take their kid and put them in private school, they were able to take the trips by that thing for their wife or husband that they'd always wanted to do. They wouldn't be able to do things like my dad, did. You know what I mean by people unexpected gifts, they wouldn't be able to contribute to the favorite causes. healthwise stress, they'd be stressed, they couldn't sleep, their hair would fall out stuff like that, right? Emotionally, man, they just be feeling bad and they'd be relationally getting into fights with their spouses, their kids that people they love, all this would be happening to them. And I saw this right and I had a mentor. The greatest man in the world in our space is Mark von Musiker. The greatest man in the world he's hard driven. And he actually doesn't try to be like in front which is crazy to me because he'd be better than Tony Robbins if he wasn't my opinion but and he used to actually work with Tony welfare, but I'm not supposed to say that help Tony out $100 million to his to his company. And right now over the past five, six years, he's worked with Russ Rufino clients on demand. And because of Mark, they their clients have done over a billion dollars in sales. billion. That's how good mark for me is service. Okay? I'm lucky. I'm the only person in the world. He will coach one on one. We're like brothers. He's like my brother from another mother. And that's how it is he does not do any one on one coaching. Does everything through us and you know, that sort of thing. And Mark helped me see how people were suffering When he helped me like, like my dad and mark these men, they helped me see how people were just not getting what they needed out of business. And a lot of good people were hurting, they were in pain. And he said to me, Nikki, Nikki, you're good man. Your job is to serve these people out of pain. And then I realized that's what I have to teach my my clients, and not just my clients but listens, like you hear and the people listening. You're not selling to people, and we're going to reframe selling, to serving, selling, to serving because nobody wants to be sold. But everybody wants to be served by caring advocate in today's world where you've had two and a half years of lockdowns, insane government pressure and taking away your freedom. right in. Let's face it, the citadel of freedom, the United States of America, there was Honza that taken away even your own Governor Mike DeWine. Republican for crying out loud was was just too, too eager to take things way outside of places like Florida with the great Governor Ron DeSantis, where he left that place free and outside of Sweden where people were kept free and outside of South Dakota, and Georgia, places like that. There wasn't a ton of freedom going on around, you know, people are nervous or uncertain. There's all this inflation being caused by these insane policies coming out of you know, the the cognitively challenged man in the White House right now, let's face it, the cognitive challenge man of the White House, it's one of the reasons your boy, your boy is cheerful. And I didn't get along because he wanted this guy. Like I said, You're out of your frickin mind this guy's cognitive challenge. That's why we had a rupture in our relationship. He made fun of me after after Biden won. And I just basically said, Go screw yourself. You voted for this. Remember that you voted for this, right? And friends of mine like that, you know, I still love him. Don't get me wrong, I still love him. He's a good guy. I hope we can repair a relationship. At some point. Unfortunately, Politics does that. Because that's just how it goes. And, you know, people are hurting that. And I just like, want people to believe that number one thing Mark taught me that I go and I teach people is you got to believe you can win. You gotta believe you can when the circumstances don't matter, the craziness of the government doesn't matter. You've got to believe you can when there was Mark showed me this was a study done rats. Okay, because rats and humans apparently behave similar to him stupid circumstances. I don't know why, like, we don't really look like rats. But okay. You know, they throw a bunch of rats in water. And strongest rat could only swim for 10 minutes before he started to sink. Now they pulled them all out, they didn't die, they dry them off, fed them and then they put them back in water. They were able to go for two hours, then why is that? Two hours because their belief was four to five. Right? You got to fortify your belief. You got to have people around you who care who give a damn about you. Listen, my system of how I help people is the best in the frickin world. The authority and thought leader marketing stuff we do we get people from couple 100,300 That stuck people we get them to a million don't like that. I personally have the fortune of helping 11 People go and add anywhere from one to 38 and a half million to their business and 70 people add between 100,007 800,000 to their business. Personally, that's what I've done. And I'm telling you our stuffs the best. But, you know when I asked people Hey, what do you like best about you know, working with us and one guy just came up to me. He said look your stuffs good and all that and yeah, it's cool and fun. And he said, But you know what's best about working with you? And I know no. He said, I know you got my back. Because I know I know my frickin bones and that gives me belief. You know what I'm saying? And like your job as a business owner. If you're working with people if you coach people if you serve people, you got to give them belief your convictions got a substitute for there's when there's is not strong. You know what I'm saying? So for me, yeah, I stand for freedom. Yeah, I help people serve not sell yet. I show them how to dial in their message. I don't have a crappy mail message. So many people say stupid stuff. Like, what do you do for people while hype I help them overcome overwhelm really, nobody paid for overcoming damn overwhelmed, nobody gives a shit about that excuse my language. So they're gonna pay you money because they're stuck and they're not making enough money and they're worried that they're going to be able to keep their house or buy the dream house that they want. That's what they're gonna pay you for. Their expenses are out of control, and they don't know how to get them under control. And you can fix that they'll pay you for that. They're 60 pounds overweight, they got type two diabetes doctor saying they're gonna have a heart attack in less than a year. If they don't fix it. They're gonna pay you to fix that. They're not going to pay you to fix overwhelm or make you feel better or feel brave when you like, crap. No, they're gonna pay you to solve real problems. Real problems. Business is about solving problems are cute. problems, real acute problems for people for profit that is all businesses. It is a people game and it's not a numbers game. Don't get me wrong. Profits important but it is not. It's a byproduct and is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the person in front of you. Most important thing to me in this conversation is Adam. I want Adam to go holy crap that Nikki Bella dude, man, he made my first interview episode show cool. His energy is off the hook. Oh my God, he's so smart. The people that do this go man, bring me more guests like that. And I learned a couple of things. Like if I do that, man. That's, that's my job. Now, if something good for me happens for that. You know, like, you know, financially bonus, but really the good for me that happens for that as God gave me a chance to shine. And I feel good. When I give to people, I feel good. And all of us feel good when we give to people. All of us feel good when we give to people, or surance words. That's my story, my brother.

Adam Liette
I love it. Well, this is definitely not as you called it in the story, the sea of sameness. I love it, Nick, you're you're you got this awesome energy. And it's true what you say like, I know, in my role when I was prior to starting my own company, I was an operations manager for a growing team. And like my team looked at me, they they needed me to put that fire under their belly every single day. They needed me to solve their problems to lead them. And there's really there's never a better feeling than having my team around me and just waiting for me to leave the way I think the world is there's way too few people willing to take the take the charge willing to be in front of that mass and carry that flag. And as we said in the in the in the in the army it was follow me lead the way. Now that's what we said when we jumped out of airplanes. I mean, it was the guy in the front would say follow me and we'd all just jump after him. And then eventually, it was me in the front. And I had to leave my troops out of the out of the airplane. So dude, you're hitting on all my all the all my right cylinders right now. And this is great.

Nicky Billou
Yeah, man, I was gonna jump out of that plane with you, brother. I would go.

Adam Liette
Well, you're not too far away. We can go parachuting. It'd be fun, fun weekend.

Nicky Billou
Let's let's talk about it. I would love to do something like that. That'd be cool. That'd be cool.

Adam Liette
You might have to talk to my wife about it. She made me promise no more. But anyway.

Nicky Billou
Don't Don't put me in between you and I'm not that stupid. Hey, don't

Adam Liette
you don't mess with German Catholic farm girls. They're they're not to be messed with Nikki.

Nicky Billou
No brother.

Adam Liette
And interesting thing that you said in the book that really got me thinking. There's so much sameness. And we talked about coaching as the sea of sameness. It's what you refer to it as like, how can we as people that want to help others? Like how can we differentiate ourselves? And how have you really differentiated, differentiated yourself to make you stick out and be able to have the impact that you wanted to have?

Nicky Billou
That's a fantastic question. So I'll tell you first and foremost, okay, you got to show people you care. I mean, just that will differentiate you, you know, if and if you if you've cut yourself off from caring, because every human being has that in them, you know, reattached to that that'd be somebody hurts you and your past, maybe in business, you were, you were caring and you got ripped off, and you thought no, never again, you know what, it's better to get ripped off and care than to never get ripped off and cut yourself off from the most fundamental human experience you can have. So I'll say that. And secondly, you know, this is this is important from a thought leadership point of view. People want to do business with authorities, they want to do business with the best of the best. Now, how do you and I, let's say I'm speaking to you, let's just hypothetically right, for example, and let's say you're like a successful, you know, coach, consultant guru, and you've like, hit, you hit the motherlode, man, you're making like 400 grand a year, like you're doing great, but for two, three years, maybe you've been like, kind of in that space, right? Like, the money is good, but you haven't you haven't like taken it to the next level. And every time you make more money, it's because yeah, you work like 20 hours a week or more and it's burning out and wife and you are fighting about crap like that. Right? And you're sitting in front of me and you don't make you listen, I'm successful already. But this is what's going on. And I don't know how to do it. Can you help me and in your mind, what's going on when you start listening to a potential authority? Is this guy full of crap? Is he gonna just try to take my money? Right and and not deliver anything for me? Except sell me sizzle like it see a sizzle seller. You're trying to bite into it. There's no steak there. Right? You know what I'm talking about, like, as an authority, you've got to start to really care about people, and you got to develop your expertise. Now, inside the work we do with people, I studied the work of a man named Matt church out of Australia thought leaders global, you know, he informed a lot of what I do, he created something, I'm gonna show this to you, Adam, real quick. You know, the people who watch this on video will be able to see it. But he invented this, this thing called the pink sheet. This is a folder full of stuff of my IP of things I've thought through deeply done in a very particular comprehensive way, about the subject of performance and winning. And in front of this is what we call a positioning matrix. This is how to position the marketing messages that you have for people why you do what you do. This is the ship diggity stuff, okay. Like it is best to the best in terms of position. So, like, I like working with high, high performing people who want to perform even higher, I mean, it's something Nikki blue loves to do. So this has been an area of expertise, we, we teach people to do stuff like this, right. And that's important. But you know, when you're sitting in front of the client, all that's nice and makes you more confident and informative. But what's going to show somebody that you're actually an authority, is if you ask really good questions about the pain that they're suffering. So for example, in this hypothetical example, right, first question I go is what's not working? Like? Why have you been kind of like, stuck this level for the last two years? And, you know, you might just go well, I don't know. And I'll just go with alright, but if you didn't know, what would you say, you can go? Well, you know, I've kind of been doing the same kind of marketing approach for a really, really long time. Right? And it's successful, I don't want to stop it. But it's not really growing me. And if it takes too much of me to like, you know, energy, I don't have to get it to the next level, I need a new approach. I go, okay. So tell me about the approach. You tell me about the approach, blah, blah, whatever, whatever. And I just go, Alright. Have you? You know, have you wondered why that approach isn't working? Maybe the algorithms have changed on Facebook ads, or whatever we get, we go deep into that, and, and then I'll ask you the question, Who do you use any other approaches? And you might go, Well, no, not really, you know, they taught me to just use one approach. That's one of the things about the gurus that just drives me freaking nuts, okay. You're a businessman. And you tell people, there's only one way to do things, just do this. You're not teaching them how to run a business, you're teaching them a tactic. But that might be a fantastic tactic as an example, right? So building like, you know, a webinar and an ad funnel adult as an example, right, could be really fantastic tech, great tactic can work really well. But Facebook changes its algorithms all the time, this whole apple thing that happened means that Facebook ads aren't as effective in, you know, targeting people as they used to be. Tick tock, but a lot of people are worried about tick tock because you know, some of the Chinese and maybe they're shipping your data off. Like, there's all countries and I go, Well, have you tried actually like a one market strategy? Have you tried podcasting? I know, you're doing podcasting here right now. But like, have you tried? Have you tried building strategic partnerships, and to try and get on stages, like, I've identified, like 10 channels that you can use to be successful? And I go evaluate, are you which of them are you using? Most people are using one maximum to most people, right? And then we go, okay, how effective are they? And you might go, Well, I used to be a 10. But now it's a six. Like, alright, so you're not using channels? And then I go, Okay, what's the impact of this on you? While you're gonna go? Yeah, well, you know, I wanted to buy like a second home, and we haven't been able to. And I wanted to really put all my kids in this new private school haven't been able to do that. We've been keeping them in another school. So as you know, I promised my wife that I was going to send her younger brother to college, I was gonna fund it for him. And the truth is, I'm not really able to do that anymore. Like some like that, that would be the financial impact and like, Okay, what would be the, the, what will be the health impact? Well, I'm stressed, I can't sleep, not working out getting fat, you know, stuff like that. What would be the emotional impact? You know, I'm short tempered, I fight with my wife, I fight with my kids. What would be you know, like, that's a relational impact to you. And I go overall, yeah, I'm frustrated. I'm pissed. Everybody thinks I'm successful. But I know I can do better, like stuff like that. You know what I mean? They ask you those questions. And I just go, what's the consequence of this keeps up for another year, two years, three years? You know what I mean? Like I asked questions to make you think. Now, if I asked those questions, well, you're gonna be thinking, this guy, he, he knows what he's talking about. He knows what questions to ask. Right? And your job if you want to stand out, you got to ask good deep questions. You got to keep going. If you stop because you're really hurting that person's feelings? When they tell you they're frustrated or they're fighting with their spouse or, you know, they're not making as much money. Like if you're like no not at I don't want to upset them. Are you kidding me you're not upsetting them, you're helping them see that the leg, their leg bone, the humerus is broken. And unless it's set their screw, you know what I mean? That's what you're doing. And so many people, they just, they recoil, they recoil. They don't want to, like the whole pushy salesy. Know that you're not being pushy salesy. You're helping this person understand the consequences of the problem. And if they understand the consequences of their problem, they really understand the consequences of their problem. But your job then becomes very simple. Do you want these consequences to continue? Or do you want them to stop? And do you want to change things? Are you ready to like, all in go out for your drink. And that's the point where they're going to say, if they're smart, and say, I want to, I want to fix it. And then the conversation becomes, listen, I'm 100% clear, I can help you, here's my way of fixing it. And if you've done a good job in having that conversation with them, and they're really serious, they're gonna find a way to do this, they're gonna go, this guy knows what he's talking about. He's an authority that I'm gonna work with you. That is more powerful than anything. It's more powerful than testimonials. It's far more powerful than doing 400 podcast episodes and writing a books like I've done, it's more powerful than, you know, you doing anything else, setting up ads, all of that jazz is a one on one conversation with a human being, and really helping them see that what they're dealing with sucks. And it's about time they stopped dealing with it. That's really how you become an authority in my in my book.

Adam Liette
Awesome. I love it. And it's, I often think like, how can I get better at this skill? And there's so many ways we can practice this. And like getting into the questioning game and be able to like, think of different questions we can ask. And just I know personally, like, I've taken enough courses where I'm, I'm coursed out, I can't take any more. But I'd love to have conversations because it does get down to that root level. And there's something that happens when you see the problem for yourself, and you had someone lead you to it. Like they're just asking the leading direct questions. And then when you finally that light bulb clicks on her head, because we had to say the problem out loud, like when it comes out of our own mouths, it's like, it hits harder in a whole lot more ways than someone I don't know if it's like an accusatory nature if you hear someone tell you what your problem is, versus you expressing it. Totally. Yeah, yeah, you're gonna back up. Absolutely.

Nicky Billou
That's fantastic. But I will say something about being courses that I can appreciate that there was a lot of courses there that promise a lot and and deliver a ton and you get something out of every course there's no question. Yeah. But one of my clients is Robin Sharma. I actually met Alex through Robin. Alex was a speaker at Robin Sharma in 2015 Titan Summit. Okay. You know, Alex did a brilliant job. That's how I got to know him and invited him on my show and all that stuff. And Robin, I don't know Do you know who Robin is he wrote a book called The monk who sold his Ferrari 15 million copies sold just, you know, huge, huge thought leader, right, one of the top five thought leaders in the personal development space. i He lives in my city. And I used to be a fitness trainer. I was one of the top fitness trainers in the country, I work with Olympic gold medal athletes that were top CEOs, billionaires. That was my stick, and I got out of it, we can discuss that another time. But Robin really persuaded me while I was coaching him, and he was paying me to come and do some of these programs. And eventually, I did the Titan Summit. And one thing he told me, he said, Nikki, in any given year, if you want to double your income, you must triple your investment in personal and professional development. Yes, I'll repeat that if in any given year, if you want to double your income, you must triple your investment in personal professional development. And I said, Well, what if there are bad courses and he says it doesn't matter. You will land on the on the good ones. If you you'll get better at figuring out what they are. But life is a constant education game. Right? He said he said his own strategy was he he personally attended two conferences a year big conferences, and he paid a lot of money for right like for high level individuals. He personally did a course every other month like an online course of some kind. Every other month. Robin Sharma man every other month, and Robin read 70 to 100 books a year. Wow. Not that's Robin Shun. Okay, Anthony Robbins, right. Who my friend Mark used to work with and my better half by the way still a Coach Tony Robbins. Anthony Robbins said that he got his career started when he read 700 books cover took detailed notes on them and helped him win I was playing, he took Jim Roans program, right. And that rewarded his brain as well. So like, I think that yourself and anyone listening to this, maybe your core style, maybe you need a little break, but you need to look for the next course, you need to talk to the next set of mentors. Mark is my main mentor, I pay him, you know, and all that good stuff. But I have other coaches and mentors that go to the Tweak other things in my life. At the moment, I've got four separate mentors that I that I work with on various issues. I am redoing a course I'm building a funnel, because that's one of the things that I haven't done a good job of, is getting the online funnel thing going, and I want to do a good job of that going forward. And in my Men's organization, I teach a curriculum. And there's a book of the month and a podcast episode of the month that I have the folks look into, I gotta learn the stuff I'm teaching these guys, the best way to learn something is to teach it by the way, glass, your choice theory, right? That's what it says 95% of what you teach will return 5% of what you read, you'll return like, right think about that, like crazy. And reading is important. Don't get me wrong, super flashy. 10% I'm sorry, it's 10%. Super important, you should do it. But that's, that's to me what you got to. And then the other thing is, you've got to teach your clients and you've got to take on yourself, the four qualities of success. The four qualities of successful like, that's number one is you must be decisive. You must kill off all other options. You know, Napoleon Hill, before he wrote thinking Grow Rich was a newspaper reporter. And he was asked to interview the richest man in the world by his editor, Andrew Carnegie, who set it up for him. And he spent three hours back in those days, people have a lot more time to do stuff like this, I guess. And at the end of that three hours, everybody said, Mr. Hall, how'd you like to spend the weekend at my estate? What would you say if the richest man would say, How's your weekend of my estate? And when do we leave? Yeah. I'm there now. So for three days, they talked and he'll said it was incredible. And by the end of it, they really were getting along. And kind of you said, I'm gonna have a proposition for you. How would you like to spend the next 20 years researching my philosophy of success? I will not pay you a stipend. But I will give you letters of introduction to the 500 most successful men and women in the United States. And in 31 seconds, Andrew Carnegie, not enough, Napoleon Hill said, yes, the rest is history. He went he did it. He became famous, and 20 years later, but just before the great man died, he visited with him again. And Andrew Carnegie said to him, I want you to know something. I had a stopwatch under the table, and I was giving you one minute to make up your mind. Oh, and then he said, Papa, why only a minute? And he said, you've been studying my philosophy of success. Why would I have only given you a minute? Napoleon Hill thought about it for a minute. And he knew the answer. He said. He said, Because successful people are decisive people. They kill off options quickly, they quickly get all the facts and make a decision. Unsuccessful people go. We think about it. I need to talk to the wife. Think I'm gonna have a seance with my dead ancestors tonight, before I give you an answer. I need to sleep on it. I never make decisions quickly. Oh, that's why you're a loser. Right? I mean, Napoleon Hill said that Andrew Carnegie and the successful people taught him to make decisions quickly. Now get the facts. If you don't have the facts that all the time you need to get all the facts. So if you need more facts, but then you you act, and the decision to do this, for him was life changing? No money for 20 years. You think about that you're a young man getting your start in life. That's a big decision. Yeah. But I'll tell you something. If Elon Musk gave me letters of introduction to the 500 most successful people in the United States and gave me a year to interview them all. And he said, I'm not going to pay you a penny. Trust me, it would happen. It would happen. It would happen. And I would be I'd be saying please and thank you. And God bless you for doing that. Right. It's it's, it's that simple. And decisiveness is a key success quality, you've got to be decisive. Are you planning on getting to a million dollars a year? Let's say you told me like, in that hypothetical example, I want to get I want to make a million dollars in the next year. I'm like, Alright, are you is that decision like, is it are you killing off the opportunity? The alternatives? Are you going Well, it'd be nice to get to a million but you know, if I don't know, decisive and committed, I will do what it takes. I will do whatever it takes, I will not stop. I will keep going not I'll do it for three months. And then if it doesn't work, I'll stop. Which is how most people do everything. Commit, commit, commit, you want that A million a year Adam commit, decide you want it and commit to whatever you got to do, and be ready to screw up. Because you will screw up. And I'll tell you a couple of stories about that in a minute. And then obviously be coachable. You got to take the coaching of the mentors you're working with. And then you got to be resourceful. And this is Tony Robbins, his story. Then he was 17 years old, he wanted to work with Jim Rohn. And it required a 1200 or $1,300 investment. And he didn't have it. He was 17. He put on an ill fitting suit and knocked on the doors of 200 business people in his area and asked him will you invest in me 17 year old boy, will you invest in me. The first 198 said, get out your kid. Last couple invested in him. And he says it doesn't matter what kind of resources you have. It matters how resourceful you are. Listen, when Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos started their respective companies, they borrowed money from friends, like a bunch of people invested $50,000 into singles, five or six in Amazon, their stakes and our $750 million each $750 million each. Jeff Bezos didn't have money, but he had the confidence to swagger without the money to go ask for it. So you've got to be resourceful, you got to do what you got to do. You got to invest in yourself and your business to get all that going. And, you know, I had one client of mine who was a personal fitness trainer, he came to work with us, and I knew none of this until a year later, okay. But when he came to work with us, he came to a workshop we did, and he set up for your loan program that we offer. And he was making three to five grand and works, okay. And you know, we were charging at the time, 35 grand for the year long program, five grand for the workshop. So you put 40,000 and he was making three to 5000 a month. And he put a $40,000 investment in a very short period of time to work with us. And you think about that that's a big chunk of money for so make that little money. Right? He very quickly took the coaching, started to ask people good questions. He narrowed his niche because he was you know, I work with anybody anyway, give me give me my elbow. No, no, stop doing that. Sorry, any scenario, any

new fathers with Dad bots. And that just took off for him. He went from three grand to 42 grand a month, bought his own gym with some partners, and as trainers working for him. He's a business owner from being a little punk. He wrote me a lovely little note, in which he said, You know, I joined these guys. I had no money to borrow money from my girlfriend to pay them rent. And I got a line of credit. And I invested in their program. And I had a six figure turnaround in less than a year. And you know, he thanked us and all that was great. It was great testimonial. But he invested in himself. I didn't know this, I didn't know that he had to get a line of credit to pay us. He didn't bring it up. It wasn't our problem. And he knew that was his problem. What he wanted was the result. And he did what he had to do. You know what I'm saying? And people that cut off the avenue of defeat, like, you know, decisive people, like, you know, the Greeks when they invaded Troy, right, they burn their ships. Those are the people who win.

Adam Liette
Love it, it's cut off the avenue defeat. That's like a flip on what you normally hear, like cut off all other options, like you're flipping into this other this mode of because we do, like we give ourselves the out all the time you hear from everyone. It's it's one of the most destructive things, I think in our culture in general, like, Oh, I'm going to lose the weight, or I might lose this much. Well, you're already you already gave yourself the alternative. So what are you more likely to achieve? It's the alternative reality that you gave yourself, like from the outset. Right.

Nicky Billou
100%. And listen, you were in the military. Was there ever an option not to accomplish the mission? Well, we'll try to accomplish the mission. But you know, what? If it doesn't work out, no, no big deal, guys. No.

Adam Liette
Yeah. When you're on the exit, there's no other way back. You got to you're pushing through. Doesn't matter what's on the other side of that door. Sometimes it wasn't always fun, but that was

Nicky Billou
always fun. Yes, not always fun. When you're up at 10 o'clock at night, like you were last night and you got up and read a book from cover to cover. I can't believe you did that. God bless your heart for doing that. You know, I'm honored that you did that. But that's not necessarily fun. You know what I mean?

Adam Liette
You know, that was that was fun, Nikki, that

wasn't good for you, guys. But you know what I'm saying? Are you got to build your sales funnel your webinar funnel and you hate doing that. That's not necessarily fun, but you're gonna do it. Suck it up, buttercup, suck it up, buttercup and get it done. You know, one of the things Alex says, which I really, really love and agree with is, we allow too much pressure and noise. To get in the way of what we need to do as an entrepreneur, your number one job is to limit and reduce the pressure and noise in your life. Right, right. And how do you do that cut off the option. When you give yourself too many options. That's when the pressure and noise comes in. When you don't give yourself any options. There's no pressure and noise, there's just the mission you go forward.

And that brings us right into something I've, I knew about as a concept. But until I became an entrepreneur, I didn't really understand how heavy it was. And that's the resistance and

Nicky Billou
resilience the Steven Pressfield

Adam Liette
did, I had this book on my shelf for several years, because it was a gift and I looked through it. I started it's now I read it every day, I read a couple chat parts.

Nicky Billou
Brother, I know. It's my boy,

Adam Liette
this book is tremendous. And it's i It's i I'll turn to it three or four times a day when I feel the resistance Come on. What is the resistance to you? And how, when we do cut off all of our other avenues? We're still going to meet that resistance like how do you conquer it? How do you move through that?

Nicky Billou
Resistance is a bastard that's still a bitch tries to knock me on my ass 20 times a day. Sometimes it succeeds. All too well, you know what I'm saying? You're not, I'm not always successful in feeding its ass. But, you know, there are mornings that I wake up. And I'm like, I don't want to work out now or later, I'll get a later start to the day, it's fine. I do that, right. And to do that, truth be told this morning, I was going to work out at 630 and ended up working out accordingly. I just slept in a little more. But that's fucking resistance yesterday, how I beat distances, I had to meet my buddy at the gym, by myself. So I was there are no, it's six o'clock, because we said we were gonna work out at six. And that's what we did. Right. But I'll tell you, I'll tell you a story about how this can be done. When you're by yourself in your head, and the chattering monkeys are going in resistance is like wearing its ugly head. You can get weak, you can be tempted to give into that son of a bitch. But when you are doing something bigger than yourself. There's this chart, it goes like an inverted funnel like this. At the bottom. It's like a suck hole at the bottom is a cycle you go down. And the first level up is self. The second level up is like relationship or partnership. The third level up is like family or team. Right? The fourth level up is like community. The Fifth Level Up is like society and the final level is mankind. Okay, Seville is created by Justin Sterling of the Sterling men's weekend. By the way, if you've never done the Sterling men's weekend, Adam, do it. And if you're really good friends with Alex persuade him to do it, it would be very good for him. I'm being very serious. It's a fantastic program, because it makes you look at yourself as a man. Right? And he teaches this technology in there. And resistance will beat you when you're in the cycle or your itself, you understand what I'm saying? When you're in the cycle that you're itself, resistance will kick your ass. Well, when you're helping your spouse or your family and your service of self and when you're helping the community or the society or all mankind with what you do, you cannot No, I'm gonna ask you a question. Okay. Three of my biggest heroes are Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Martin Luther King. Okay. So, you strike me as a learned man, you probably know who each of these people were and what they did in the world and in society. Of course. They operated at the level of mankind, like Martin Luther King, was gonna get rid of the stain of bigotry, and we're gonna bring freedom to, to blacks and African Americans and all other minorities. That was Martin Luther King's deal. Ronald Reagan was going to end the tyranny of evil communism, and bring freedom to the people that were stuck under the communist yoke and Margaret Thatcher this, you think these people had time for resistance? I mean, really, that's because they operated and played a bigger game. Okay. Now, you don't necessarily need to play at that level. I mean, you can if you want to. Right. But this is what you need to do. Now. I'll tell you a story from my life. A few years ago, four and a half years ago A woman came into our community, a thought leader community. She was the country director for one of the biggest and oldest personal development companies in the world. They've been around since the 60s, okay. And she ran Canada. And her mom and dad are in Canada before her, and they help people deal with childhood emotional imprinting from zero to 13. I took the program was wonderful programs, okay. Now, she brought in a man who had done a program who was you know, had a bit of a mixed reputation, successful businessman, but also they're not necessarily most trustworthy. This dude came in, and she thought it was going to be great. And Well, anyways, it wasn't, and she ended up leaving, right? She ended up leaving him for 18 months, she was kind of like flounder floundering. Someone introduced her to us. And we started to work with her. And what she came to say, to me was, look, you know, I got to try to figure out what's next. And I was going through a rough time back then, my then partner told me, he didn't want to be partners with me anymore. And I want him to the resistance, woe is me, oh, my god, what am I going to do? How am I going to do it, I was angry of him, I was angry at myself, I was angry at the world, thank God, sorry.

And, but this woman came to me and you know, she, she needed my help. And there's a bunch of others like her and I started focusing on her. And then in our first month, she made $10,000 coaching because she started work with entrepreneurs, who, who just were like, overwhelmed, and like, I got big problems and all kinds of areas, and I got nobody I can talk to so she was I'm gonna be you're confident, you're gonna have a place to unburden yourself. So you don't have to do it to your wife, you don't have to do it to your employees and destroy, you know, their faith. You can, it's private, all that they loved it, it was it took, you know what I mean? Like, confident, you know, people listening or yourself like, you can find some big enough business owners, they can pay you accordingly. You need to be there confident then, like Tony Robbins gets 4 million a year to be confident to about a dozen people. You know, so there you go. From each by the way, 4 million each from a dozen people, there's a waiting list. Five years long to be as quiet Yeah. So she made 10 grand the first month, 12 grand or second month, 18 grand or third month $62,200 Her fourth month now that figures very precise and specific and you're the Nikki the others were like that and told me not simply q2. I'll get to it. Alright. She was the work of Matt church who, you know, I told you we worked with and helped us develop some of that stuff has this methodology using martial arts belt level. So white belt, in his world is 10,000 a month in income yellow is 20 and black belts. 60,000 firsthand black belt, and it goes above that, too. So she hit Black Belt. She was the first woman to hit black belt in our world. She was the fastest person at the time, although someone's done it faster since. But, you know, she did it in like four months. And we were so excited for her that she lives in Ottawa. And I live in Toronto, that's about a five hour drive. My eldest son who was 12 at the time is 16. Now he plays soccer and he is a very good high level soccer player. One of his teammates on his current team just made the national team for Guyana and it was a top scorer there. And you know, my son has the capacity to be on the Canadian national team as a centre back for his age group and beyond. Like he's that good? Right? Like he's nice. So he had a tournament in Ottawa at the time he was 12. You know, we're not getting was that it was just us playing soccer, right. So we went to Ottawa and I called her and I knew she had a son my son's I said, Hey, my son and I are coming to Ottawa for tournament. Would your son and you'd like to come meet us for lunch? And, you know, she said, Yeah, sure. That sounds great. So we met for lunch at the end of the tournament. Had a good time, you know, and then we drove home, but an hour and a half spent together when a few weeks later, we had one of our branded thought leader immersion workshops. This is where we show people you know how to go from whatever figured that out to half a million million, 2 million, 3 million urine. She'd been in the program, obviously. And so there were a bunch of new people in the room and we had our, you know, enrollment opportunity, right? Where we asked people the upsell, the infamous upsell that people have that so I do mine a little differently than most people. I take 15 minutes, and most of the time most of the 15 minutes is I asked people in our community speak or if they're not there, I'll have like a video of them telling their experience, right? Anyways, long story short is that I got up there were eight, you know, prospects in the room and I said Anyone want to share their experience that they'd experienced this for three days themselves these prospects and they've gotten a ton of value, but we're upselling him into a year long program, you know 50 grand a year type of thing at the time, and I said, Anyone want to share? And she just found it on stage? Yeah. Okay, great. Great success story. This is awesome. And she got on stage. And she had a big smile on her face and then smile, the spirits started crying. And that was like, like any red blooded man, I'm sure Adam, you're gonna relate to this. When faced with a crime female, I proceeded to panic with Yes. Why she was on the exterior on plastic calm and inside. I'm like, Oh, my God, what happened? Why she. She looks at me and she goes, Nikki, you didn't know this in between songs and tears. But when you and your little son came to visit me and my little son, and my little son asked me, mommy, mommy, who are we going to go meet? And I looked at I said, Oh, sweetheart, we're gonna go meet Nicky Balu and his son. And he looked at her and he said, Oh, are we going to meet the man who saved our family? Now, Adam, thank you probably got the picture that I'm not your average soy boy. beta male, right? Yeah, I don't cry in public. I'm gonna tough man. Tough this fucking nails. I bought like a little baby. Like a little girl. I hugged her. And we had a long hug. And then she said, between more sobs and tears that both of us were doing. You didn't know this, Nikki. But when I came to you, the bank was about to foreclose on our home. We have not paid our mortgage in months. My husband and I were fighting. We have three kids together, which I knew. And it looked like we might get divorced. This literally saved our family, you literally saved our family. So I was very humbled by that. Yeah, I still am. Because I know that God puts good people in front of me. And that for my dad, and for Mark, I'm all about you know, caring about people love people. And I'm I just asked God that I'd be worthy to serve the next person who's dealing with some stuff the way this lady was, every single day. And on an interesting note. Normally, we hand out the registration form to people in the room. And normally, you know, some people sign up right away. But there's a number of people that you know, you need to have a nice long conversation and persuasion moment with. We did not need to persuade anybody that day, eight people sign up on the spot, immediately. And there were two guys, who before all this had come to me and said, Nikki, I signed up for your program. And I know you've got an upsell coming up. I just want you to know, I'm not gonna be signed up for your upsell. That's why you just want to make sure you're not going to be disappointed. Just like, you know, both of them one more vehemently than the other. But they both kind of gave me the same message, like, no problem. Right? Whatever you want. That's fine. This was the first year to sign up. And he walked over to me as he signed up, and he said, You settled?

He said, I told you, I asked you to sign up, which got me to you said, I guess you're not full of crap. Like the rest of these guys. I guess, you know, I don't want to name names, but he does some programs with some very well known people in the space. Right. And he said, I guess I still need some help. So I hear you. And what happened? Was this this is this is what I got is people have been so taken in by these charlatan marketers. And when I learned about Matt church and his work in Australia, you know, I don't know how much do you know about Matt and thought leaders global probably not a ton. So I'll tell you a little bit about him now. He's been doing this work for almost 25 years. He's had 1617 1800 people that have done his flagship thought leaders Business School Program, which is I think, a 30 or $35,000 year or 40,000 per year in Australia, right. Many of our methods are based on on maths and we have our own take on them. And we have our own stuff that we put in there. But Matt has, you know, there's a reason why we took it. Now, at the time when he had 1500 people, I knew the numbers, so I don't know the numbers since but I'm assuming they're the same. But these 1500 people, half half had generated a half a million to two and a half million dollar your practice half. No offense to a single North American guru bullshit that even 10% of their people have generated that kind of money. Bull shit, okay? Bullshit. And then, of the remaining half 65% have generated at least a quarter mil to a half enough. So like 83% of the people who invested 35 40,000 Whatever it is, in his program, a year generated a 250,000 to two and a half million dollar a year practice 83% That's not bullshit. That's all steak brother. That steak, you're biting into steak with that thing. You know what I'm saying? There's no, you know, and listen, like, I've done the programs. I've done Tony Robbins, Brendon Bouchard, I've done all of them. And I've gotten good stuff from everybody. Don't get me wrong. But are you freaking kidding me? The reason is that the Australians like you know, this kind of like marketing, sizzle stuff ain't their thing. i That's one number one. And I learned that and number two is this methodology works. The reason why I do what I do. And I stand out, you know, it's because people talk to me and they go, maybe you're a little over the top. And your energy's a little intense. And not everybody likes that. And I'm gonna be straight. So some people go screw you, I want to be around you. But there's nobody who will tell you, Nikki Bilou is Photoshop, not one person, they'll all tell, you know, the dude knows what he's talking about. And, you know, if you're ready to work with them, and do the work, you're gonna get the results. And to me, that's like, I asked God to have you worthy of that every day. So please, God, help me not let these people they're telling us don't let me let these people. Yeah, and that's what I know. I'm gonna give them my all, but just give me the courage, the strength to be there with these people, man and I and if your people are listening here, that's what you want to be for your people. And that's who you want to follow. You don't want to follow some dude or do that, who's really good at selling the sizzle and ain't gonna get your results. You don't want to follow somebody who's preaching launches to you and launches haven't worked for half a decade or more. You know what I mean? Giving you an outdated crap. You don't want somebody who's just all about the celebrity. And I gotta tell you, there are so many celebrity frickin masterminds out there with big name, guys and whatnot. And I asked the guys, I go, what do you get out of it? So there's a guy, there's a guy who sells $100,000 A year mastermind. And he's got two dozen clients. And I know some of these people personally right now, and I go, Okay, you spent all this money on the program? Yeah. Would you get like, did you make more money? Well, no. Oh, you spent $100,000 And you didn't make more money? Well, you know, like I learned a lot and I'm, you know, I'm this and I get to be with all these people. And like, the truth of the matter is, man, there's so many people that invest for the wrong frickin reasons they get emotionally tied in. So yes, you want to obviously listen to your heart, your emotions, but your business, Matthew, businessman, us, you've got your head. If you're investing money, you're investing what is the definition of investment to lay out money with an expectation of a return return of a return? If there is no return? Or if most people are not getting the return? Don't invest, don't invest, because then it's not understanding its spending. What is the definition of spending to lay out money with no expectation of return? You spend money on vacations on Harley's on knives? I'm an iPhone collector. By the way, I didn't tell you about some of this later this is this not gorgeous?

Adam Liette
That's amazing. Is that wild,

Nicky Billou
though? Well, so I'm a nice guy so that spending now you know there's guys who go actually making you know, the price and knives appreciate so that's really an investment but you know, that's it's really spending I spend, I buy that just sell it off, so maybe my kids won't have God. I don't want dad's Nice. Let's go see what we can get for those who don't. But, but But you know, that's the drill brother. That's the drill and someone's listening to this. And they're like stuck in their business. They're stuck in their life. They're like wanting, can I trust somebody? And I'm just gonna say, Look, you need to talk to somebody, you can talk to Adam. Talk to me. You can talk to somebody, and you got to like, listen to your heart tune into your heart, and not to their sizzle. And go do your due diligence. Are these people real? Have they helped other people? Do they know what they're talking about? And do they give a shit? Do they give enough of the good Gosh, darn, to make a difference? For me? Well, they hang in there. So if they do that, and then then you should invest in don't not invest in yourself. That's all that's it?

Adam Liette
Yeah. It's a it's something I preach all the time is, it's, it is about leadership. It's about solving problems and, and giving a shit. And when you give a shit, and I, I wake up every day, and it's in my my to do list for today is to fix something for someone, I tried to do it all the time. Because it, it gives you that purpose. And now that I'm thinking about it in terms of the resistance, it's a higher calling that higher place that we're trying to achieve. We're out of self. Because let's face it, we humans are miserable human beings, most of the time, when left to our own devices, it's when we're surrounded by great people that we're able to be that better person. We're all after. Like, dude, I can talk with you all day, Nikki, this has been fantastic. I do want to respect your time. I do. I want to end with one thing. And this question always gets me in trouble because my Amazon account goes a little crazy. But you said that Leaders are readers. So What books would you recommend that we haven't talked about so far in this episode, that if you don't have it, you haven't read these books yet? What books would you recommend for leaders? Wow,

Nicky Billou
what a great question. So look, it's gonna sound a little self serving. But my my very first book is called Finish Line thinking, thinking when like a champion. And like I said, I used to work with a lot of Olympic gold medal athletes, my better half. You're gonna go holy crap when I tell you this, but at the age of 48, she decided she wanted to break up an athletic world record, okay. And she ran three times 12 hours on a treadmill and set three world records. So who does that have 48 men. Maybe 1820 is 48 looks crazy. So that book really shows you how to have the mindset of a winner an iron mind, honestly. So that's a great book. The Fountainhead Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand are books everyone should read. The War of Art, which we talked about earlier as a book everyone should read. I also believe men and women should read fiction. Fiction is very important. It suits the soul you should read poetry to because poetry suits the soul and read paper books, start reading everything on your damn Kindle or listening to it. That's not really reading. Okay, yeah, there's something soothing about reading a paper book. So, you know, some of the fictional books that are really excellent is there's an old thriller called The Eagle Has Landed by Jack Higgins. It is one of the best fiction books ever written. It is brilliant. It is uplifting. And the bad guys in the book are the good guys. I mean, it's just it's, it's, it's one of those things, you know, a very, very, very powerful, powerful book, other fictional books that I'm a huge fan of Steve Pressfield wrote The Legend of Bagger Vance, if you haven't read that book, that's a really, really great book. So, you know, those are some of the books David Goggins is can't hurt me. It's a spectacular book. You know, what can I tell you? These are some good books. Awesome. read 4000 books, man, I'm in the books.

Adam Liette
And I appreciate what you said about moving like get off the Kindle get off the screens were on him all day long. readings should be different, which should be and I think it access it, it accesses a different part of our brain when we're holding it. It's just like writing down versus typing everything. It's a different relationship. And if we can enable ourselves that why would we take that away from ourselves? It was awesome. Amen. Well, thank you so much, Nikki. Like I said, I could talk all day with you and I might end up having to talk to you a whole lot more in the future. We'll see where, where life takes us, but um, I really look forward to next time our paths crossed. And if our listeners are interested in learning more about you do have any particular recommendations on where they should go, Well, look,

Nicky Billou
you know, I'm in all the social media stuff, you know, Facebook, Instagram, I got to do some stuff on YouTube, not a ton. I'm on rumble, like the competitive YouTubes I want to get her in partner as well. And Gab, you can find me in any of those, but like, my website, e circle academy.com. And like I said, if someone wants to have a conversation about where they're at, they're stuck. And they want to, they want to they want to have a real honest conversation, a tough conversation about what it's going to take to get them off of that there's a button there to book a what we call a successful. It's there. Be my honor to help you. We're here to help.

Adam Liette
Awesome. Thanks so much. Nikki's absolute pleasure. And yeah, I look forward to speaking to you again, many more times in the future.

Nicky Billou
Me too, brother. Thank you. It was an honor to be here. God bless you. And thanks again for your service.

Adam Liette
Thank you, Nikki. We'll talk soon.

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